23 JAN 2025 by ideonexus
AI Learning and Human Learning Builds on What Came Before
In 2017, an AI system called Amper composed and produced original music for an album called I AM AI. The chord structures, instrumentation, and percussion were developed by Amper, which used initial parameters like genre, mood, and length to generate a full-length song in just a few minutes. Taryn Southern, a human artist, collaborated with Amper to create the album—and the result included a moody, soulful ballad called “Break Free” that counted more than 1.6 million YouTube views and w...Folksonomies: artificial intelligence learning
Folksonomies: artificial intelligence learning
04 NOV 2018 by ideonexus
Developing Child's Understanding of Games
During the first stage, beginning around age 5, the child does not yet understand there are fixed rules to the game. Children of this age will play Marbles in an improvisational way, possessing a vague notion of rules but not yet understanding the idea of fixed rules.
In the second stage, around ages 8 to 10, the child comes to know that there are rules, and will regard these rules with a near religious reverence. The rules are felt to have their own implicit authority, which cannot be quest...16 APR 2018 by ideonexus
Pianos Make Music Accessible Like Computers Make Math Acc...
Though it has become a naturalized part of music-making since the first one was built in 1710, the pianoforte (its name means "soft-loud") was a technical marvel for its time, a machine that changed music in ways that are hard to imagine. Computer pioneer Alan Kay once observed that any technological advance is "technology only for people who are born before it was invented,' and in the case of the piano, this applies to no one alive today. Seymour Papert, the MIT researcher, concluded, "That...16 APR 2018 by ideonexus
Early Attempts to Replace Teachers with Games
The current push to bring digital games into school is, strictly speaking, not the first, nor even the second time that educators have pushed for individualized instruction via machines. But it is decidedly the most nuanced, humanistic, and thoughtful. The first actually took place in the 1950s and early 1960s, when a small group of educational psychologists proposed doing away with teachers altogether and replacing them with self-paced, preprogrammed instruction on so-called "teaching machin...18 MAY 2017 by ideonexus
The Wonder of a Child Learning Their Native Language
Imagine you are
faced with the following challenge: You must discover the underlying
structure of an immense system that contains tens of thousands of
pieces, all generated by combining a small set of elements in various
ways. These pieces, in turn, can be combined in an infinite number of
ways, although only a subset of these combinations is actually correct.
However, the subset that is correct is itself infinite. Somehow you must
rapidly figure out the structure of this system so that you c...18 MAY 2017 by ideonexus
Habituation and Novelty
Beginning in infancy and throughout the life span, humans are motivated by newness, change, and excitement. Habituation, the tendency to lose interest in a repeated event and gain interest in a new one, is one of the most fundamental human reflexes. If the thermostat were to suddenly turn the air conditioning on, you would hear the loud humming sound begin, but within minutes you couldn’t even hear it if you tried. Habituation, a fundamental property of the nervous system, provides mechanis...22 MAR 2017 by ideonexus
Myths About Learning Quiz
True or false: When it comes to learning, metacognition (e.g., thinking about thinking) can be just as important as intelligence.
Research on growth mindset by Carol Dweck and others shows that people’s beliefs about the nature of intelligence affect their level of effort and in turn their performance.
What is the best way to learn from some text?
Read and reread the text.
RIGHT! Explain key ideas of the text to yourself while reading.
Restating the text in...10 MAR 2017 by ideonexus
Flow Promotes Learning
Experiences that are well aligned with flow are those that we have no trouble committing to for a long time. We concentrate on them for hours at a time because we’re getting rewarded for that concentration. Even more important, perhaps, is that when we’re playing games, we want to enter that deep state of concentration. Well-crafted experiences offer a deep and effortless involvement that separates the experience of play from the experience of ordinary life. These experiences are enjoyabl...01 JAN 2017 by ideonexus
The secret to succeeding with computers is to lutz with t...
The secret to succeeding with computers is to lutz with them. BART EISENBERG: Push buttons, move text, insert lines, hit control characters, add dot commands, bring up menus, invoke commands and invoke more of them. Try it backwards, try it sideways, try it upside down. The method, lf you can call it that, is vaguely scientific-in that you perform some action and observe the results. A playful attitude will get you further with these machines than weeks of serious endeavor. Folksonomies: learning experimentation
Folksonomies: learning experimentation
09 SEP 2016 by ideonexus