Attention is the Fundamental Literacy
Attention is the fundamental literacy. Every second I spend online, I make decisions about where to spend my attention. Should I devote any mindshare at all to this comment or that headline? — a question I need to answer each time an attractive link catches my eye. Simply becoming aware of the fact that life online requires this kind of decision-making was my first step in learning to tune a fundamental filter on what I allow into my head — a filter that is under my control only if I practice controlling it. The second level of decision-making is whether I want to open a tab on my browser because I decided that this item will be worth my time tomorrow. The third decision: do I bookmark this site because I am interested in the subject and might want to reference it at some unspecified future time? Online attention-taming begins with what meditators call “mindfulness” — the simple, self-influencing awareness of how attention wanders.
Life online requires properly allocating our attention to maximize our productivity.
Folksonomies: culture internet technology society literacy attention
/art and entertainment/books and literature/reference books (0.576851)
/religion and spirituality/buddhism (0.486231)
/society/welfare (0.423740)
fundamental literacy (0.917223 (positive:0.861704)), Fundamental Literacy Life (0.865867 (positive:0.974429)), life online (0.766840 (positive:0.694578)), attention (0.742619 (positive:0.732349)), unspecified future time (0.730251 (positive:0.307699)), fundamental filter (0.582015 (negative:-0.279851)), attractive link (0.566778 (positive:0.832849)), self-influencing awareness (0.536946 (positive:0.231558)), decision-making (0.429635 (negative:-0.000861)), mindshare (0.383580 (positive:0.610441)), meditators (0.374396 (neutral:0.000000)), mindfulness (0.361617 (positive:0.374996)), productivity (0.359571 (positive:0.974429)), headline (0.357631 (positive:0.610441)), decisions (0.357585 (neutral:0.000000)), comment (0.356174 (positive:0.610441)), tab (0.354626 (positive:0.278990)), item (0.352050 (positive:0.278990)), kind (0.351701 (negative:-0.279851)), question (0.351248 (positive:0.832849)), eye (0.347699 (positive:0.832849)), fact (0.346961 (negative:-0.279851)), decision (0.346684 (neutral:0.000000)), step (0.346647 (negative:-0.279851)), head (0.346281 (negative:-0.279851)), control (0.346072 (negative:-0.279851)), level (0.345272 (positive:0.278990)), browser (0.344936 (positive:0.278990))
Unsolved problems in neuroscience (0.950328): dbpedia
Psychology (0.947909): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Decision making (0.823810): dbpedia | freebase
Need (0.789153): freebase | dbpedia
Want (0.785048): dbpedia | freebase
Consciousness (0.770388): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Neuropsychological assessment (0.593436): dbpedia | freebase
WANT (0.560700): geo | website | yago
Perspectives on Online Attention
Attention is the Fundamental Literacy > Comparison > Smaller Fragments of Information Command AttentionKevin Kelly and Howard Rheingold discuss managing their attention spans in the online world.