10 MAR 2019 by ideonexus
Processing Power to Chess Rating Ratio
50 here is what the Deep Thought team wrote about the relationship between search depth and chess strength in a 1989 article:
The ascent of the brute-force chess machines back in the late 1970s made one thing crystal clear: there is a strong causal relationship between the search speed of a chess machine and its playing strength. In fact, it appeared from machine self-test games that every time a machine searches one extra ply, its rating increases by about 200-250 rating points. Since each...Folksonomies: computation processing power
Folksonomies: computation processing power
27 JUL 2018 by ideonexus
Social Class in Online Gaming
...in the “freemium” economy, one’s expendable income really does determine whether one can join certain “Clash” clans, because many only accept members who have advanced to a level that can only be achieved through the in-app purchase of “gems.” On Twitch, income divides social communities into haves and have-nots who must constantly hustle for the former’s patronage. And in an AI-driven setting – as on social media – one can never be too sure where the fun stops and the ...Folksonomies: gaming economics game economics
Folksonomies: gaming economics game economics
We see this in collectible card and dice games as well.
22 MAR 2017 by ideonexus
Myths About Learning Quiz
True or false: When it comes to learning, metacognition (e.g., thinking about thinking) can be just as important as intelligence.
Research on growth mindset by Carol Dweck and others shows that people’s beliefs about the nature of intelligence affect their level of effort and in turn their performance.
What is the best way to learn from some text?
Read and reread the text.
RIGHT! Explain key ideas of the text to yourself while reading.
Restating the text in...25 FEB 2016 by ideonexus
Understanding Creativity Enabled Through Information Tech...
Here’s the question I’ve been asking myself: When technology enables a person to make something that looks professional without having to master any degree of craft, does that increase or decrease the likelihood of creativity? And can educators be lulled into a false impression that they have been developing creativity in students when using technologies that produce brilliantlooking results? Does my Wordle cloud give only the illusion of creativity?
A number of software applications are...Folksonomies: education creativity
Folksonomies: education creativity
23 MAY 2015 by ideonexus
How Metroid Forces Players to Remember the Whole World
Whenever a Metroid player aquires a new power-up, her mind races back in time in a way not unlike what happens at a turning point in a movie. When a secret is revealed we are forced back through the story to mentally review everything we've seen so far, sometimes changing the interpretation of entire scenes.
Since the player never completely leaves an area behind and forgets about it, the game world constantly expands in the mind of the player. By never completely exhausting an area b...Folksonomies: game development game design
Folksonomies: game development game design
27 APR 2015 by ideonexus
Exercise "Sweet Spot" for Extending Lifespan
They found that, unsurprisingly, the people who did not exercise at all were at the highest risk of early death.
But those who exercised a little, not meeting the recommendations but doing something, lowered their risk of premature death by 20 percent.
Those who met the guidelines precisely, completing 150 minutes per week of moderate exercise, enjoyed greater longevity benefits and 31 percent less risk of dying during the 14-year period compared with those who never exercised.
The sweet s...24 JAN 2015 by ideonexus
War is the Price of Diversity
The state of the world today is not essentially different from the state of the world in 1948. We are still faced with the same choices that we were facing in 1948. On the level of fundamental principles, we are faced with a choice between unity and diversity. The unity of mankind, or the diversity of nations and political institutions. National sovereignty is the contemporary expression of the ancient human tradition which divided us into {202} tribes, each jealously guarding its independe...13 MAR 2014 by ideonexus
Humans Are Abstraction Masters
What distinguishes us from cavemen is the level of abstraction we can reach. Abstraction enabled humans to move from barter to money, and from gold coins to plastic cards. These days, what's left of "money" is often just an account record we read on a computer screen, and soon it could just be a line of code in a bitcoin ledger.
Today, abstraction is all around us — and math is the language of abstraction. In the words of the great mathematician Henri Poincare, mathematics is valuable beca...The level of abstraction we can master distinguishes us from other life.
19 FEB 2014 by ideonexus
There are "Levels" to Understanding Mathematics
The way it was described to me when I was in high school was in terms of 'levels'.
Sometimes, in your mathematics career, you find that your slow progress, and careful accumulation of tools and ideas, has suddenly allowed you to do a bunch of new things that you couldn't possibly do before. Even though you were learning things that were useless by themselves, when they've all become second nature, a whole new world of possibility appears. You have "leveled up", if you will. Something clicks,...Folksonomies: mathematics levels
Folksonomies: mathematics levels
As you learn more and more, your comprehension grows and you see more of the big picture. Conversations with people at other levels change as you rise.
27 DEC 2013 by ideonexus
Anecdote of Badges Encouraging Tutoring
When it comes to biology, Catherine Lacey is a Level 40 Hero. That's her ranking on OpenStudy, where the University of Western Australia student spends up to 30 hours per week answering homework questions posed by students around the world. The level indicates time spent on the site, and Hero is the hardest-to-attain badge. If you think of helping with homework as a game, she's got the high score.
The 20-year-old first stumbled upon the OpenStudy site while surfing the Web. She was hooked af...A student is motivated to tutor on a website that awards badges. Two takeaways from this: (1) award badges for mentoring and (2) award badges for content creation. Also, award points that can be spent in moderating like slashdot.