28 APR 2015 by ideonexus

 Standing Desks Improve Student Engagement

The research looked at the results of an experiment in which 282 participants in grades 2-4 were observed in the fall and spring during one school year. Student engagement was monitored by actions such as answering a question, raising a hand, or participating in discussion, while off-task behaviors included talking out of turn. Engagement of the "treatment" classrooms was compared with the engagement of "control" classrooms. The researchers noted that both groups showed "general increases in...
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08 MAR 2015 by ideonexus

 Universities Targeting Out-of-State Admissions for Tuitio...

Colorado Mesa University was typical of most public institutions in the fall of 2007, with out-of-state students making up a small number, about 5 percent, of the overall student body. But when the economic downturn hit in the fall of 2008, and state support for higher education began dwindling, Colorado Mesa President Tim Foster knew it was time to shake up the status quo. He decided to aggressively recruit out-of-state students, who pay 50 percent to 60 percent more than do Colorado residen...
Folksonomies: academia admissions
Folksonomies: academia admissions
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...at the expense of in-State students.

29 JAN 2015 by ideonexus

 Loss of Hope Accelerates the Death of Trantor

"The fall of Trantor," said Seldon, "cannot be stopped by any conceivable effort. It can be hastened easily, however. The tale of my interrupted trial will spread through the Galaxy. Frustration of my plans to lighten the disaster will convince people that the future holds no promise to them. Already they recall the lives of their grandfathers with envy. They will see that political revolutions and trade stagnations will increase. The feeling will pervade the Galaxy that onl...
Folksonomies: society hope justice
Folksonomies: society hope justice
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29 JAN 2015 by ideonexus

 Encyclopedia Galactica

A. I do not say now that we can prevent the fall. But it is not yet too late to shorten the interregnum which will follow. It is possible, gentlemen, to reduce the duration of anarchy to a single millennium, if my group is allowed to act now. We are at a delicate moment in history. The huge, onrushing mass of events must be deflected just a little, – just a little – It cannot be much, but it may be enough to remove twenty-nine thousand years of misery from human h...
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02 JAN 2014 by ideonexus

 Failure as a Prerequisite to Success

If a man wants to succeed in his work, that is, to achieve the anticipated results, he must bring his ideas into correspondence with the laws of the objective external world; if they do not correspond, he will fail in his practice. After he fails, he draws his lessons, corrects his ideas to make them correspond to the laws of the external world, and can thus turn failure into success; this is what is meant by "failure is the mother of success" and "a fall into the pit, a gain in your wit". "...
Folksonomies: practice failure success
Folksonomies: practice failure success
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Also experience is a product of failure.

24 APR 2012 by ideonexus

 Scientific Progress has More Effect on Humanity Than Anyt...

How much has happened in these fifty years—a period more remarkable than any, I will venture to say, in the annals of mankind. I am not thinking of the rise and fall of Empires, the change of dynasties, the establishment of Governments. I am thinking of those revolutions of science which have had much more effect than any political causes, which have changed the position and prospects of mankind more than all the conquests and all the codes and all the legislators that ever lived.
Folksonomies: science progress
Folksonomies: science progress
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More than politics, conquests, or legislation.

02 JAN 2012 by ideonexus

 Newton's Apple Gave New Meaning to the Garden of Eden Story

Part of the power of the story was that it replaced the sacred Biblical account of the Fall from Innocence in Genesis (Eve and the apple) with a secular parable of the Ascent to Knowledge. See Patricia Fara, Newton: The Making of Genius (2005); and for a broad visionary perspective, Jacob Bronowski’s scientific classic The Ascent of Man (1973).
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The apple bequeathed knowledge to man in the secular fable of Newton observing the apple drop.

01 SEP 2011 by ideonexus

 Rainbow More Beautiful Through Science

Nor ever yet The melting rainbow's vernal-tinctur'd hues To me have shone so pleasing, as when first the hand of science pointed out the path In which the sun-beams gleaming from the west Fall on the watery cloud.
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Poet describes how his appreciation of the rainbow's hues are increased by knowing through science that they are created by sunbeams on watery clouds.

25 JUL 2011 by ideonexus

 Gains and Loses in Man's Empirical View

I may hand over to men their fortunes, now their understanding is emancipated and come as it were of age; whence there cannot but follow an improvement in man's estate and an enlargement of his power over nature. For man by the fall fell at the same time from his state of innocency and from his dominion over creation. Both of these losses however can even in this life be in some part repaired; the former by religion and faith, the latter by arts and sciences. For creation was not by the curse...
Folksonomies: nature empiricism
Folksonomies: nature empiricism
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Man loses his innocence and dominion over creation, but gains in his estate and power over nature.

13 APR 2011 by ideonexus

 The Circle of the Brain cannot be Squared

A Circle round divided in four partsHath been great Study 'mongst the men of Arts;Since Archimed's or Euclid's time, each BrainHath on a Line been stretched, yet all in Vain;And every Thought hath been a Figure set,Doubts Cyphers were, Hopes as Triangles met;There was Division and Subtraction made,And Lines drawn out, and Points exactly laid,But none hath yet by Demonstration foundThe way, by which to Square a Circle round:For while the Brain is round, no Square will be,While Thoughts divi...
Folksonomies: science philosophy poetry
Folksonomies: science philosophy poetry
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A poem about the brain, quantification, and human curiosity.