Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book: Smyth, Admiral William Henry (2010-08), Technocracy, First, Second and Third Series Social Universals, Nabu Press, Retrieved on 2013-11-08Source Material [books.google.com]
Folksonomies: history transhumanism technocracy post-scarcity society Memes
08 NOV 2013
Strength vs. Cunning vs. Skill
Here, then, Skill enters the arena with a challenge to both earlier contestants — for the prize of human control, and mastery of the social machinery; enters that contest — older than the race itself — the struggle to satisfy the primordial instincts: to Live — to Control — to Take.
Strength vs. Cunning vs. Skill. Thus the contest has become a triangular fight between the Strong, the Cunning, and the Skilful; a fight in which raw brute force is a participant of rapidly diminishing ...Cunning control is the winner in the 1920s, but skill will prevail.
08 NOV 2013
Desire to Know
Desire to Know.
I refer to Curiosity — curiosity rationalized into Desire to Know.
Desire to Know, while equally urgent for gratification, inherently lacks the undesirable and inappropriate qualities which render the other human Instincts unsuitable as organizing and strain equalizing factors in the social structure. Also it possesses qualities and attributes which make it peculiarly adapted to perform the rationally harmonizing function so irrationally assumed in all earlier social org...A complex virtue, this passage presents it ambivalently.
08 NOV 2013
The Technocracy
The basis of modern industry being scientific knowledge of nature's laws whereby nature's resources are made available for human use and enjoyment through the aid and agency of technical skill, "Reconstruction" becomes essentially a process of selective rejection of present inappropriate economic usages; discarding customs which unduly facilitate the acquisitive instincts, and substituting others which tend to minimize social obstacles to the freer expression of the constructive or industrial...First definition.
08 NOV 2013
The Misuse of "Social Evolution"
No word is more on people's lips than "Evolution"; and none is more frequently misused, and misunderstood.
Social Evolution is often talked of as if it were a cosmic process forced on men wholly from the outside, regardless of their yea and nay; or again as if it were a beneficent dispensation "from on high" that somehow, and regardless of men's acts, will float them to the haven of social bliss.
The typical expression of this last extraordinary misconception is: "Things will right themse...Folksonomies: evolution social engineering
Folksonomies: evolution social engineering
Evolution is a natural force, but we mistake that for fatalism. Humans have control over their destiny.
08 NOV 2013
All Must be Accomplished with Existing Human Material
To the social philosopher and the enlightened social reformer, and best of all to the plain citizen taking thought of these matters, the first step in the right direction, the first basic principle that must underlie an understanding of the present Social Disorder and be imbedded in the foundation of the Social Order to come, should be the real and effective recognition that all that may be accomplished must be accomplished with the existing human material.
Not Angels.
"Not Angels."
08 NOV 2013
The Mechanic's Wisdom
The Mechanic's Wisdom.
Probably the most characteristic attitude of the mechanic toward the forces and materials with which he deals is unquestioning acceptance of the fact that he cannot change or anywise modify the laws of nature or the qualities of materials.
The mechanic, like the rest of us, wants to accomplish a multitude of purposes. Having determined upon the object of his desires, be it a machine to do something, or a change in the location of physical things, he proceeds upon th...An insightful and empirical perspective of our place in the Universe and our potential.
08 NOV 2013
We are Ultimately Responsible for Our Fate
Thus it is that (to ensure feeding and breeding), "Nature" during the aeons of experimentation which we call "Evolution" has developed a variety of fixed preservative instincts, traits, and characteristics in the animal world. From the animal world, we as animals have inherited such of these instincts, traits, and characteristics as were necessary or most favorable to Man's survival and present dominance.
"Gifts": Peculiarly Human.
In addition to these, man lias acquired, attained, or bee...If we choose to interfere with evolution and nature, then we are responsible for the consequences, but if we choose not to, then we are also responsible for the consequences.
08 NOV 2013
Economics Uses Magical Language
A common feature in systems of magic is animism — attributing to inanimate objects the functions of life, assuming things to possess will, purpose, and power.
It is significant (though quite in keeping) that "Economists" and "Financiers" have this characteristic at- titude of mind towards, and employ animistic forms of expression in writing and talking about "Money" and "Capital."
Whether this is due to unconscious belief in magic or is mere metaphor, the result, in either case, is befo...It's use of animism in describing the economy is suspect, but the same metaphors are used in real science as well.
08 NOV 2013
Science VS Economics
The spirit and method of Science arc the direct antithesis of magic.
It is science which has produced the "Machine Shop".
It is magic that has produced "Finance".
In the machine shop. Science rules only in so far as machine processes go: there its control stops.
The social control of the Machine Shop lies with the Towosis of Finance.
Thus it is that our Towosis (like those Of Trobriand) control not only the work, the workmen, the work shop — "industrial society" is only the Great ...An interesting perspective. Science is the workhorse, economics is the charlatan exploiting it.