Strength vs. Cunning vs. Skill
Here, then, Skill enters the arena with a challenge to both earlier contestants — for the prize of human control, and mastery of the social machinery; enters that contest — older than the race itself — the struggle to satisfy the primordial instincts: to Live — to Control — to Take.
Strength vs. Cunning vs. Skill. Thus the contest has become a triangular fight between the Strong, the Cunning, and the Skilful; a fight in which raw brute force is a participant of rapidly diminishing importance — a modified continuation of the old time bloody contest, for a humanly undesirable outcome.
Cunning-control is today the victor, and in possession of the spoils — the financial wealth of the world. But all the evidence points to a short enjoyment and a losing fight against the organized forces of Purposeful Skill.
On broader lines also the evidence points the same way: purposive skill is inherently productive, while purposeful cunning is naturally parasitic. Then, the capability of cunning to rule, and the continuance of its success in controlling others, resides in and depends upon the stupidity and illiteracy of the governed: mystery and magic are its weapons — equally in the realm of modern Finance as in the ancient Theocracies.
Skill implies the reverse of all this, for skill is intelligence physically manifested. It is knowledge of Nature's Laws utilized dexterously — and the spread of scientific information characterizes our age. Thus as the bulwarks of cunning-control crumble, the weapons of skill are multiplied and perfected.
So the outcome seems a foregone conclusion.
With this outcome, our methods of life will necessarily change. Capitalistic customs, laws, and institutions will be substituted by others differing as widely from those with which we are familiar as the motor ideas and ideals of purposeful cunning differ from those of purposeful skill.
Cunning control is the winner in the 1920s, but skill will prevail.
Folksonomies: society knowledge skill
/pets (0.496889)
/law, govt and politics/government (0.479935)
/food and drink/desserts and baking (0.434089)
Skill Cunning control (0.932959 (positive:0.781256)), purposeful cunning differ (0.814678 (negative:-0.292032)), purposeful skill (0.764110 (negative:-0.539633)), Strength vs (0.690786 (positive:0.566279)), humanly undesirable outcome (0.678376 (negative:-0.746325)), purposive skill (0.661146 (positive:0.659921)), rapidly diminishing importance (0.636803 (negative:-0.565496)), raw brute force (0.636365 (negative:-0.565496)), time bloody contest (0.627696 (negative:-0.565496)), primordial instincts (0.544703 (neutral:0.000000)), triangular fight (0.541467 (neutral:0.000000)), earlier contestants (0.535537 (positive:0.515495)), losing fight (0.533870 (negative:-0.787234)), social machinery (0.528860 (positive:0.447530)), Capitalistic customs (0.528270 (negative:-0.513035)), human control (0.526888 (positive:0.515495)), broader lines (0.523353 (positive:0.537099)), cunning-control crumble (0.522446 (negative:-0.271119)), financial wealth (0.521181 (neutral:0.000000)), short enjoyment (0.520761 (negative:-0.787234)), foregone conclusion (0.519629 (negative:-0.679307)), modern Finance (0.515383 (positive:0.213965)), ancient Theocracies (0.515201 (positive:0.213965)), motor ideas (0.513514 (negative:-0.292032)), scientific information (0.512756 (positive:0.567717)), enters (0.441590 (neutral:0.000000)), evidence (0.437914 (negative:-0.250135)), Skilful (0.437649 (positive:0.261027)), spoils (0.436947 (neutral:0.000000)), weapons (0.436399 (positive:0.213965))
Theocracies:City (0.993199 (positive:0.213965))
Witchcraft (0.911071): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Elaine Benes (0.908264): dbpedia | freebase | yago
The Contest (0.875379): dbpedia | freebase | yago
The Spoils (0.872547): website | dbpedia | yago
Seinfeld (0.871044): website | dbpedia | freebase | yago
Control (0.870389): dbpedia