25 MAR 2022 by ideonexus

 Ten Golden Rules of Go

Tan Bu De Sheng (贪不得胜) - The greedy do not get success Ru Jie Yi Huan (入界宜缓) - Be unhurried to enter opponent´s territory Gong Bi Gu Wo (攻彼顾我) - Take care of oneself when attacking the other Qi Zi Zheng Xian (弃子争先) - Discard a stone to gain sente She Xiao Jiu Da (舍小就大) - Abandon small to save big Feng Wei Xu Qi (逢危须弃) - When in danger, sacrifice Shen Wu Qing Su (慎勿轻速) - Make thick shape, avoid hast...
Folksonomies: gaming strategy
Folksonomies: gaming strategy
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04 NOV 2018 by ideonexus

 Degenerate Strategies and Cheating

Why isn't using a degenerate strategy considered cheating? Degenerate strategies take advantage of weaknesses in the rules of a game, but do not actually violate the rules. What kind of player would play in this way? The answer is both a dedicated player, who is overzealously seeking the perfect strategy, and an unsportsmanlike player, who has found a hole in the rules to exploit, even though he understands that he is not playing the game the way it was intended. These two kinds of players ca...
Folksonomies: games play gaming
Folksonomies: games play gaming
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Is the same true of memorizing algorithms to solve the rubiks cube?

05 MAR 2015 by ideonexus

 "Bug" is Not an Insult

Look at them, the bugs. Humans have used everything in their power to extinguish them: every kind of poison, aerial sprays, introducing and cultivating their natural predators, searching for and destroying their eggs, using genetic modification to sterilize them, burning with fire, drowning with water. Every family has bug spray, every desk has a flyswatter under it … this long war has been going on for the entire history of human civilization. But the outcome is still in doubt. The bugs ha...
Folksonomies: metaphor perspective insult
Folksonomies: metaphor perspective insult
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24 FEB 2015 by ideonexus

 Elaboration on the RPG Definition

Instead of snakes and ladders, we'll put in hidden doors and secret passages. Don't roll a die to see how far you move; you can move as far as you want. Move down the corridor to the intersection. You can turn right, or left, or go straight ahead, or go back the way you came. Or, as long as you're here, you can look for a hidden door. If you find one, it will open into another stretch of corridor. That corridor might take you straight to the exit or lead you into a blind alley. The only way t...
Folksonomies: rpg role-playing games
Folksonomies: rpg role-playing games
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05 OCT 2014 by ideonexus

 Relativity in Space Warfare

"Most of you are too young to remember the term future shock. Back in the seventies, some people felt that technological progress was so rapid that people, normal people, couldn't cope with it; that they wouldn't have time to get used to the present before the future was upon them. A man named Toffler coined the term future shock to describe this situation." The commodore could get pretty academic. "We're caught up in a physical situation that resembles this scholarly concept. The result has...
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Having to travel at speeds of light means facing a future version of the enemy and that you are attacking them from the past.

20 FEB 2014 by ideonexus

 The Riddle of Power

The eunuch rubbed his powdered hands together. “May I leave you with a bit of a riddle, Lord Tyrion?” He did not wait for an answer. “In a room sit three great men, a king, a priest, and a rich man with his gold. Between them stands a sellsword, a little man of common birth and no great mind. Each of the great ones bids him slay the other two. ‘Do it’ says the king, ‘for I am your lawful ruler.’ ‘Do it’ says the priest, ‘for I command you in the names of the gods.’ ‘Do...
Folksonomies: power riddles
Folksonomies: power riddles
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Three men in a room command a forth to kill the other two, who dies?

20 FEB 2014 by ideonexus

 Open Your Eyes

She followed him over to the wall, where he settled onto a bench. “Syrio Forel was first sword to the Sealord of Braavos, and are you knowing how that came to pass?” “You were the finest swordsman in the city.” “Just so, but why? Other men were stronger, faster, younger, why was Syrio Forel the best? I will tell you now.” He touched the tip of his little finger lightly to his eyelid. “The seeing, the true seeing, that is the heart of it. “Hear me. The ships of Braavos sail ...
Folksonomies: empiricism seeing
Folksonomies: empiricism seeing
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Sense things for yourself. Don't let others define reality for you.

27 SEP 2013 by ideonexus

 加油 as a Term of Encouragement

The Chinese characters say 加油 (Jia1 you2).加 is composed of 力 (power) and 口 (mouth). It means 'to add'油 is made out of 水 (氵, water) and 由(from/ due). It means oil.加(to add) 油(oil)= add oil or make an extra effort 加油 is a terribly common phrase in day to day life. If you want to encourage someone to carry on great work, or in a sports competition, you say 加油! A bit like 'go on!' in English. Of course another literal meaning of 加油 is to refuel.
Folksonomies: mandarin chinese
Folksonomies: mandarin chinese
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ShaoLan explains how the symbols break down.

09 AUG 2013 by ideonexus

 War is an Alien Threat

More than a century ago a young Frenchman, Alexis de Tocqueville, visited America. After that visit he predicted that the two great powers of the future world would be, on one hand, the United States, which would be built, as he said, ``by the plowshare,'' and, on the other, Russia, which would go forward, again, as he said, ``by the sword.'' Yet need it be so? Cannot swords be turned to plowshares? Can we and all nations not live in peace? In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we ...
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Ronald Reagan suggests we would put aside our differences if threatened by extraterrestrials, but then notes that war is an alien threat--alien to how we desire to live.

19 JAN 2013 by ideonexus

 Isaiah 2:4

He shall judge between the nations, and shall decide disputes for many peoples; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.
Folksonomies: religion bible
Folksonomies: religion bible
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A passage arguing for peace, where "swords to plowshares" comes from.