16 APR 2018 by ideonexus
Teens Need a Psychological Moratorium
She remembered psychologist Erik Erickson's exhortation about teenagers: they need a "psychosocial moratorium," he wrote, an environment and a stretch of time in which they can explore different aspects of their personality and try on a series of identities without fear of consequence. In a way, that was what school was supposed to offer, but it didn't always do so with much success. She realized that this was exactly what virtual worlds offered all the time, to anyone with a computer and an ...A time when they can find their identity.
16 APR 2018 by ideonexus
Early Attempts to Replace Teachers with Games
The current push to bring digital games into school is, strictly speaking, not the first, nor even the second time that educators have pushed for individualized instruction via machines. But it is decidedly the most nuanced, humanistic, and thoughtful. The first actually took place in the 1950s and early 1960s, when a small group of educational psychologists proposed doing away with teachers altogether and replacing them with self-paced, preprogrammed instruction on so-called "teaching machin...16 APR 2018 by ideonexus
Teachers Must Put Themselves in the Student's Place
According to Devlin, teachers have a responsibility to learn about kids' interests. "It's not the students' responsibility to put themselves in our place. As teachers, it's our responsibility to put ourselves in the students' place. And if they are in a digital world, where they will invest many hours solving difficult, challenging problems in a video game, it would be criminal if we didn't start where they are and take advantage of the things they want to do. That's the world they live in, t...13 DEC 2017 by ideonexus
Children's Attention Spans are Short, and Education Deman...
The 2016 paper, “Off-task behavior in elementary school children,” was published in the peer-reviewed journal Learning and Instruction, and was funded by the Institute of Education Sciences, an arm of the Department of Education.
The researchers also kept track of how the teachers were instructing students during these observations. Not surprisingly, students went off task more frequently during whole-group instruction than during small group or individual work.
Length of lesson matters...07 AUG 2017 by ideonexus
Discussion Rhythm to Promote Student Participation
Teachers are partnering with students to establish a new rhythm in classroom questioning. This rhythm provides teachers and students with a silence for thinking at two crucial junctions in the questioning process:
• Wait Time 1: After a question is posed but before a student is called on to answer.
• Wait Time 2: Directly following that student’s response.
Almost 50 years ago, Mary Budd Rowe (1969) famously discovered multiple benefits associated with intentionally pausing at these tw...Folksonomies: education discussion
Folksonomies: education discussion
10 MAR 2017 by ideonexus
Religion on Other Earth
Perhaps the most striking example of the extravagance of the Other Men was the part played by religion in their more advanced societies. Religion was a much greater power than on my own planet; and the religious teachings of the prophets of old were able to kindle even my alien and sluggish heart with fervor. Yet religion, as it occurred around me in contemporary society, was far from edifying.
I must begin by explaining that in the development of religion on the Other Earth gustatory sensat...10 MAR 2017 by ideonexus
Parental Resistance to Educational Change
The greatest challenges facing parents stem from their own school experiences. Every adult has been educated in some way, and the methods their teachers used usually shape the values they carry with them and color their perceptions of how education “should be.” These learned values are very powerful and can be seen in the ongoing controversies that manifest in social media regarding the Common Core State Standards and math instruction, for example. The notion that there is a critical-thin...This explains resistance to the Common Core as well.
10 MAR 2017 by ideonexus
Learning is Intrinsic to Games
As one gamer has said, “In a game, you want to learn because you’re playing it, and if you didn’t want to learn, why would you be playing it?” (Selfe & Hawisher, 2007, p. 1). For this very reason, games are uniquely powerful tools that help teachers understand how to build empowering lessons and shape how students experience learning. Each game is a curriculum unto itself; each game is a unique engine that can reengineer learning experiences. Every game gives the player an opportu...Folksonomies: education gamification
Folksonomies: education gamification
29 NOV 2016 by ideonexus
Earthseed 31-35
31. Sculptor and Clay
As wind,As water,As fire,As life,GodIs both creative and destructive,Demanding and yielding,Sculptor and clay.God is Infinite Potential:God is Change.
∞ = Δ
32. Your teachers
Your teachersAre all around you.All that you perceive,All that you experience,All that is given to youor taken from you,All that you love or hate,need or fearWill teach you—If you will learn.God is your firstand your last teacher.God is your harshest teacher:subtle,demanding.Learn or die.
∞ =...Folksonomies: earthseed
Folksonomies: earthseed
17 AUG 2016 by ideonexus
Words of Advice: Become a School Insider
Steven Hodas is the former Executive Director of Innovate NYC Schools, a New York City Department of Education initiative to foster smart demand and innovative solutions. Hodas has worked closely with early-stage entrepreneurs and launched two companies of his own.
"Assuming you were not recently a teacher yourself, I suggest that you work hard to get inside the school, inside the classroom, inside the day-to-day lives of the educators you want to help. If you’re resourceful enough to get ...Folksonomies: education technology
Folksonomies: education technology