27 JUL 2018 by ideonexus
Shannon and Thorp Hack the Roulette Wheel
It was in this tinkerer’s laboratory that they set out to understand how roulette could be gamed, ordering “a regulation roulette wheel from Reno for $1,500,” a strobe light, and a clock whose hand revolved once per second. Thorp was given inside access to Shannon in all his tinkering glory:
Gadgets . . . were everywhere. He had a mechanical coin tosser which could be set to flip the coin through a set number of revolutions, producing a head or tail according to the setting. As a joke...15 JUN 2016 by ideonexus
Theoretical Uncertainty has No Meaning
If one looks at the history of knowledge, it is plain that at the beginning men tried to know because they had to do so in order to live. In the absence of that organic guidance given by their structure to other animals, man had to find out what he was about, and he could find out only by studying the environment which constituted the means, obstacles and results of his behavior. The desire for intellectual or cognitive understanding had no meaning except as a means of obtaining greater secur...09 AUG 2014 by ideonexus
Social Rules for Polite Intellectual Interactions
Another way we try to remove obstacles to learning is by having a small set of social rules. These rules are intended to be lightweight, and to make more explicit certain social norms that are normally implicit. Most of our social rules really boil down to "don't be a jerk" or "don't be annoying." Of course, almost nobody sets out to be a jerk or annoying, so telling people not to be jerks isn't a very productive strategy. That's why our social rules are designed to curtail specific behav...Folksonomies: professionalism etiquette
Folksonomies: professionalism etiquette
19 APR 2013 by ideonexus
The Importance of Language to Science
There is another species of progress, appertaining to the sciences in question, equally
important; I mean, the improvement of their language, at present so vague and so
obscure. To this improvement must they owe the advantage of becoming popular,
even in their first elements. Genius can triumph over these inaccuracies, as over other
obstacles; it can recognise the features of truth, in spite of the mask that conceals or
disfigures them. But how is the man who can devote but a few leisure mome...An imperfect language communicates vaguely. In science, we require exact and precise terminology to prevent misunderstanding.
19 APR 2013 by ideonexus
How Do We Nourish the Revolution?
Every thing tells us that we are approaching the era of one of the grand revolutions of
the human race. What can better enlighten us to what we may expect, what can be a
surer guide to us, amidst its commotions, than the picture of the revolutions that have
preceded and prepared the way for it? The present state of knowledge assures us that
it will be happy. But is it not upon condition that we know how to assist it with all our strength? And, that the happiness it promises may be less dearly...We are in a society that is experiencing accelerating happiness, accelerating technology, and social progress. The progress is inevitable, but we must understand it in order to encourage it and recognize the pitfalls it may experience.
28 JAN 2012 by ideonexus
Space Extends Everywhere
That the machine of Heaven is not a hard and impervious body full of various real spheres, as up to now has been believed by most people. It will be proved that it extends everywhere, most fluid and simple, and nowhere presents obstacles as was formerly held, the circuits of the Planets being wholly free and without the labour and whirling round of any real spheres at all, being divinely governed under a given law.Folksonomies: astronomy iconoclasm
Folksonomies: astronomy iconoclasm
An assertion from Tycho Brahe that captures the change of perspective of his time on the night skies.
30 MAY 2011 by ideonexus
The Enlightenment was not an "Enlightened Age"
If it is now asked, "Do we presently live in an enlightened age?" the answer is, "No, but we do live in an age of enlightenment." As matters now stand, a great deal is still lacking in order for men as a whole to be, or even to put themselves into a position to be able without external guidance to apply understanding confidently to religious issues. But we do have clear indications that the way is now being opened for men to proceed freely in this direction and that the obstacles to general e...The Enlightenment is a journey not a destination.