Shannon and Thorp Hack the Roulette Wheel
It was in this tinkerer’s laboratory that they set out to understand how roulette could be gamed, ordering “a regulation roulette wheel from Reno for $1,500,” a strobe light, and a clock whose hand revolved once per second. Thorp was given inside access to Shannon in all his tinkering glory:
Gadgets . . . were everywhere. He had a mechanical coin tosser which could be set to flip the coin through a set number of revolutions, producing a head or tail according to the setting. As a joke, he built a mechanical finger in the kitchen which was connected to the basement lab. A pull on the cable curled the finger in a summons. Claude also had a swing about 35 feet long attached to a huge tree, on a slope. We started the swing from uphill and the downhill end of the arc could be as much as 15 or 20 feet above the ground. . . . Claude’s neighbors on the Mystic lake were occasionally astounded to see a figure “walking on the water.” It was me using a pair of Claude’s huge styrofoam “shoes” designed just for this.
And yet, Thorp wrote, what impressed him more than any of the gadgets was his host’s uncanny ability to “see” a solution to a problem rather than to muscle it out with unending work. “Shannon seemed to think with ‘ideas’ more than with words or formulas. A new problem was like a sculptor’s block of stone and Shannon’s ideas chiseled away the obstacles until an approximate solution emerged like an image, which he proceeded to refine as desired with more ideas.”
Folksonomies: play hacking gambling
/art and entertainment/books and literature/poetry (0.499889)
/technology and computing/hardware/computer (0.451962)
/sports/golf (0.431627)
regulation roulette wheel (0.926811 (:0.000000)), mechanical coin tosser (0.811586 (:0.000000)), Thorp Hack (0.705837 (:0.000000)), tinkering glory (0.574834 (:0.000000)), strobe light (0.568952 (:0.000000)), Shannon (0.548599 (:0.000000)), huge styrofoam (0.530390 (:0.000000)), mechanical finger (0.520478 (:0.000000)), unending work (0.518377 (:0.000000)), basement lab (0.517505 (:0.000000)), huge tree (0.514986 (:0.000000)), downhill end (0.502752 (:0.000000)), uncanny ability (0.496953 (:0.000000)), approximate solution (0.488650 (:0.000000)), Mystic lake (0.488321 (:0.000000)), new problem (0.474826 (:0.000000)), Claude (0.413792 (:0.000000)), gadgets (0.355181 (:0.000000)), feet (0.323008 (:0.000000)), swing (0.301017 (:0.000000)), ideas (0.284278 (:0.000000)), summons (0.279637 (:0.000000)), revolutions (0.264184 (:0.000000)), neighbors (0.264059 (:0.000000)), obstacles (0.263390 (:0.000000)), Reno (0.262443 (:0.000000)), tail (0.261871 (:0.000000)), pull (0.261639 (:0.000000)), clock (0.260426 (:0.000000)), joke (0.259916 (:0.000000)), slope (0.258992 (:0.000000)), tinkerer (0.258658 (:0.000000)), laboratory (0.258619 (:0.000000)), hand (0.257945 (:0.000000)), pair (0.257382 (:0.000000)), access (0.257302 (:0.000000)), formulas (0.255908 (:0.000000)), arc (0.253926 (:0.000000)), number (0.252986 (:0.000000)), head (0.252876 (:0.000000)), setting (0.252765 (:0.000000)), kitchen (0.252113 (:0.000000)), cable (0.252017 (:0.000000)), ground (0.249731 (:0.000000)), ‘ideas (0.249540 (:0.000000)), sculptor (0.249510 (:0.000000)), words (0.249449 (:0.000000)), shoes (0.249316 (:0.000000)), water. (0.248520 (:0.000000))
Shannon:Person (0.877811 (:0.000000)), Thorp:Person (0.609214 (:0.000000)), Claude:Person (0.495450 (:0.000000)), Reno:Location (0.309704 (:0.000000)), Mystic lake:GeographicFeature (0.270626 (:0.000000)), 20 feet:Quantity (0.270626 (:0.000000)), 35 feet:Quantity (0.270626 (:0.000000)), $1,500:Quantity (0.270626 (:0.000000))
Claude Shannon (0.948316): dbpedia_resource
Roulette (0.906960): dbpedia_resource
Edward O. Thorp (0.843439): dbpedia_resource
Strobe light (0.559631): dbpedia_resource
The Swing (0.559474): dbpedia_resource
Arc (0.557162): dbpedia_resource
The Mystic (0.557089): dbpedia_resource
Arc of the United States (0.542042): dbpedia_resource