27 JUL 2018 by ideonexus
The Myth of the Solitary Villain
The more sophisticated and powerful a technology, the more people are needed to weaponize it. And the more people needed to weaponize it, the more societal controls work to defuse, or soften, or prevent harm from happening. I add one additional thought. Even if you had a budget to hire a team of scientists whose job it was to develop a species-extinguishing bio weapon, or to take down the internet to zero, you probably still couldn’t do it. That’s because hundreds of thousands of man-year...27 JUL 2018 by ideonexus
Human Progress Confounds -isms
It should not be surprising that the facts of human progress confound the major -isms. The ideologies are more than two centuries old and are based on mile-high visions such as whether humans are tragically flawed or infinitely malleable, and whether society is an organic whole or a collection of individuals.43 A real society comprises hundreds of millions of social beings, each with a trillion-synapse brain, who pursue their well-being while affecting the well-being of others in complex netw...10 FEB 2018 by ideonexus
Microcosm of Imagination
Brooding, she changed the pool into the sea, and made the minnows into sharks and whales, and cast vast clouds over this tiny world by holding her hand against the sun, and so brought darkness and desolation, like God himself, to millions of ignorant and innocent creatures, and then took her hand away suddenly and let the sun stream down. 12 DEC 2017 by ideonexus
The Disruptive Nature of Homo sapien's Rapid Rise to Apex...
Genus Homo’s position in the food chain was, until quite recently, solidly in the middle. For millions of years, humans hunted smaller creatures and gathered what they could, all the while being hunted by larger predators. It was only 400,000 years ago that several species of man began to hunt large game on a regular basis, and only in the last 100,000 years – with the rise of Homo sapiens – that man jumped to the top of the food chain.
That spectacular leap from the middle to the top ...29 DEC 2016 by ideonexus
Presidents Have Less Impact On Our Lives Than Those Aroun...
Presidents are royalty and we measure our lives by their reigns, but their effect on the country in general is greatly exaggerated. Take me, for example. Mr. Lyndon Johnson’s Selective Service System more or less governed my 20s, and now that I’m old and shaky, his Medicare is very helpful, but for most of us, presidents are part of the scenery, like the great stone heads on Easter Island. Millions of words have been written about Richard Nixon but his effect on my life was minuscule comp...Folksonomies: politics priorities
Folksonomies: politics priorities
19 JAN 2016 by ideonexus
Intellectuals Must Engage the Public, Not Hide From It
A final point, something I've written about elsewhere (e.g., in a discussion in Z papers, and the last chapter of "Year 501"). There has been a striking change in the behavior of the intellectual class in recent years. The left intellectuals who 60 years ago would have been teaching in working class schools, writing books like "mathematics for the millions" (which made mathematics intelligible to millions of people), participating in and speaking for popular organizations, etc., are now large...Folksonomies: academia
Folksonomies: academia
22 APR 2015 by ideonexus
Apple is Not the Alternative Choice
For some reason Apple is still considered the liberal/counter-cultural choice but if you think about every dystopian novel/movie and then I said “there’s going to be a company, the world’s largest company (or thereabouts), they’re going to sell one product (basically - the difference between an iphone/ipad/macbook/apple watch is just the form factor) that everyone has to accept as is, and people will line up for days for that one product, missing work to get it, you will have no contr...Folksonomies: walled garden
Folksonomies: walled garden
21 APR 2015 by ideonexus
Selection from the Wisdom of Hacker News
Inequality of information- find a place where you know something that many undervalue. Having this inequality of information can give you, your first piece of leverage.
Be an unrelenting machine- Brick walls are there to show you how bad you want something. Commit to your goals and do not waver from them a one bit regardless of what else is there. I took this approach to losing weight and fitness. I have not missed a single 5k run in over a year. It did not matter if I had not slept for two ...18 MAR 2015 by ideonexus
Altruism is a Basic Human Instinct
The cost for my survival must have been hundreds of millions of dollars. All to save one dorky botanist. Why bother?
Well, okay. I know the answer to that. Part of it might be what I represent: progress, science, and the interplanetary future we’ve dreamed of for centuries. But really, they did it because every human being has a basic instinct to help each other out. It might not seem that way sometimes, but it’s true.
If a hiker gets lost in the mountains, people will coordinate a sear...Folksonomies: altruism
Folksonomies: altruism
17 MAR 2015 by ideonexus
Children of the Code
None of us like to engage in activities that cause us to feel ashamed of ourselves. So what happens to children who feel ashamed of themselves when learning to read? They are in serious danger. The shame they feel not only motivates them to avoid reading, it also fosters self-dis-esteem and undermines the cognitive capacities they need to learn to read in the first place. Millions of children are caught in this learning-disabling downward spiral. Not only are they in danger of being poor re...Interesting website, the idea that children feel shame for not learning spelling and reading. While, when considering the waste of mindshare that goes into learning spelling.
See also mind-shame.