16 NOV 2013 by ideonexus

 "Real Life" General Game Play

The first thing you'll notice about Real-life is that it about 9 months to start a new character, mainly because two other players have to "register" for a new player to enter the game, fortunately now-a-days "registering" is happening more and more frequently, unfortunately this means that the "sever" getting overcrowd. But back to starting a new character, after waiting 9 months, you enter the game (in a pretty graphic way) but after the tutorial begins, with learning about the breathing an...
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It takes nine months to spawn and everything is a mini-game.

24 SEP 2011 by ideonexus

 The Brain Consumes Lactose During Exercise

Scientists have discovered that lactose, a byproduct of intense muscular activities, can be used to fuel the brain with energy. When glucose, the natural fuel of the brain, is no longer present in sufficient quantities, the cell tissue can “switch” to alternative energy, to prevent any damage to the brain on account of the lack of energy. [...] Consequently, by consuming the lactose in the blood, the brain clears the way for glucose, the main powering substance in the body, to reach the...
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This frees up the body's glucose to fuel the muscles in times of high energy demands on the body (Note: This meme must be wrong in using the term "lactose," because that is a sugar that comes from milk. "Lactate" is a byproduct of muscles consuming glucose that fuels the brain while the muscles take energy-precedence).

24 SEP 2011 by ideonexus

 Lactate, Lactose, and Lactase

Lactate Lactate is a negatively charged molecule formed from a compound called lactic acid. Some bacteria make lactate when they metabolize sugars. Humans also produce lactate as a byproduct of metabolism, though only under certain conditions. Specifically, says Dr. Gary Thibodeau in his book "Anatomy and Physiology," you make lactate when your cells process sugars for energy in the absence of oxygen, such as when you're engaging in a hard sprint or power efforts during exercise. Lact...
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Lactose and Lactase apparently have no relation to Lactate. Lactose is a sugar in milk, Lactase is an enzyme babies use to digest milk, and Lactate is a byproduct of our muscles expending energy, which is itself a source of energy.

21 SEP 2011 by ideonexus

 Evolution of Lactose Tolerance

One case involves our ability to digest lactose, a sugar found in milk. An enzyme called lactase breaks down this sugar into the more easily absorbed sugars glucose and galactose. We are born with the ability to digest milk, of course, for that’s always been the main food of infants. But after we’re weaned, we gradually stop producing lactase. Eventually, many of us entirely lose our ability to digest lactose, becoming “lactose intolerant” and prone to diarrhea, bloating, and cramps a...
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Some groups of humans evolved the ability to digest milk beyond infancy as their societies domesticated cows.

06 JUL 2011 by ideonexus

 Piaget's View on Child Learning

Piaget concluded that babies aren't just born in possession of adult knowledge, either from a past life or from DNA. Instead, Piaget thought that children must have powerful learning mechanisms that allow them to construct new pictures of the world, pictures that might be very different from the adult picture. When we learn about the world, when we do science. for example, we don't just hit the right answer once and for all. Rather, there is a very gradual unfolding sequence of corrected erro...
Folksonomies: babies learning childhood
Folksonomies: babies learning childhood
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Learning is natural, innate.

29 JUN 2011 by ideonexus

 Cross-Species Milk

Our notions of mother's milk come from what we see, and for most of us the milk we see is cow's milk, a brilliant white liquid. But milk from other species looks quite different—kangaroo milk, for example, is pink. But whatever the hue, breast milk is species-specific; that is, the composition is finely tuned to the particular growth and maturational needs and digestive system of the young of each species.^ ^ For example, cow's milk is higher in volatile fatty acids than human milk, and hum...
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A comparison of the milk produced by females of various species, its nutritional content, and what that tells us about their lifestyle.