27 JUL 2018 by ideonexus
The Communal Nature of Tabletop Gaming Complicates Unders...
De Koven’s concept of play is predicated on the idea that play, as a purposeless act, is the means through which we can build community and move closer to living better lives. He ultimately moves away from the idea of playing games and towards a purer idea of play beyond games, play as mastery over nothing in particular (De Koven 2013). For De Koven, games are at best a means to an end, a way to encourage an initial sense of playfulness; at worst, they are a controlling aspect over play, so...10 MAR 2017 by ideonexus
Gamification Racing/Grid Movement
Ms. Spooner, a long-time game player, realizes that the Racing/Grid Movement mechanic is the right choice for her students because it is particularly good at helping to assess highly granular pieces of content or skills. She envisions a game in which her students are divided into two- or threeperson teams. She wants these students to be able to identify and produce three different things: (1) the pitch of particular notes, (2) the sounds of distinct instruments, and (3) the work of particular...Folksonomies: education gamification
Folksonomies: education gamification
09 NOV 2015 by ideonexus
Exercises for Emotional Maturity in Children
Let's focus on the skill of expanding sensitivity. Increased attention to music, nature, and animals can increase sensitivity. Once you identify these outlets, set up a series of exercises that use these focal points to draw out sensitivity. For example:
Listening: Listen to a piece of beautiful music for 10 minutes. Close your eyes and let the notes guide your mind.
Focusing: Choose an animal (even an ant) and follow it for 10 minutes; watch it with full attention.
Relaxing: Sit quietly for...28 OCT 2015 by ideonexus
The Old Ones
As to what the things were—explanations naturally varied. The common name applied to them was “those ones”, or “the old ones”, though other terms had a local and transient use. Perhaps the bulk of the Puritan settlers set them down bluntly as familiars of the devil, and made them a basis of awed theological speculation. Those with Celtic legendry in their heritage—mainly the Scotch-Irish element of New Hampshire, and their kindred who had settled in Vermont on Governor Wentworth...Folksonomies: otherness
Folksonomies: otherness
02 JUN 2015 by ideonexus
Language as Set Theory
The revolution in our understanding of the logic of names began with a basic question: Where do the meanings of words live? There are two likely habitats. One is the world, where we find the things that a word refers to. The other is in the head, where we find people’s understanding of how a word may be used.
For anyone interested in language as a window into the mind, the external world might seem to be an unpromising habitat. The word cat, for example, refers to the set of all the cats t...Folksonomies: semantics set theory
Folksonomies: semantics set theory
25 MAY 2015 by ideonexus
Oliver Scott Curry: Associationism
In communication theory, information is the reduction of prior uncertainty. Organisms are 'uncertain' because they are composed of conditional adaptations that adopt different states under different conditions. These mechanisms can be described in terms of the decision rules that they embody—'if A, then B', or 'If you detect light, then move towards it'. Uncertainty about which state to adopt (to B or not to B), is resolved by attending to the specified conditions (A). The reduction of unce...25 JUL 2014 by ideonexus
Lessons from the Real Paleo Diet
And the answer is, ‘yes.’ I think there’s three main lessons we can learn: First, there’s no one correct diet, but diversity is the key. So, depending on where you live, you can eat very different things, but you need diversity. We lack the ability to synthesize many nutrients that we require for life, nutrients and vitamins, and we are required to get them from our foods. Eating a diet that’s rich in species, has high species diversity is very important.
Now unfortunately in Ameri...Folksonomies: diet
Folksonomies: diet
19 DEC 2013 by ideonexus
Specialization is Differentiation
The proliferation of subcults is most evident in the world of work. Many subcults spring up
around occupational specialties. Thus, as the society moves toward greater specialization, it
generates more and more subcultural variety.
The scientific community, for example, is splitting into finer and finer fragments. It is
criss-crossed with formal organizations and associations whose specialized journals,
conferences and meetings are rapidly multiplying in number. But these "open" distinctions
...Toffler explores the phenomenon of specialization in the sciences, producing subcults and subsubcults.
07 OCT 2013 by ideonexus
Understanding Heat and Temperature
Our sense of touch tells us quite definitely that one
body is hot and another cold. But this is a purely quali-
tative criterion, not sufficient for a quantitative descrip-
tion and sometimes even ambiguous. This is shown by
a well-known experiment: we have three vessels con-
taining, respectively, cold, warm and hot water. If we
dip one hand into the cold water and the other into the
hot, we receive a message from the first that it is cold
and from the second that it is hot. If we th...An excellent description of the distinction between the two.
12 JUN 2012 by ideonexus
Variety of Temperaments in Scientists
Scientists are people of very dissimilar temperaments doing different things in very different ways. Among scientists are collectors, classifiers and compulsive tidiers-up; many are detectives by temperament and many are explorers; some are artists and others artisans. There are poets–scientists and philosopher–scientists and even a few mystics. ... and most people who are in fact scientists could easily have been something else instead. Collectors, philosophers, explorers, mystics...