20 NOV 2018 by ideonexus

 Mental States in Gamer Mastery

Learning State While in the learning state of mind your objective should be to concentrate on learning and experimentation. You should play to win, and take matches seriously, but not be afraid to try different strategies for the purpose of learning. In this state you aim to maximize your learning, not your win-percentage. Feel free to think about your moves, what would have happened if you took another route, what you are going to try in the next matchup and so on. It is only beneficial to...
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04 NOV 2018 by ideonexus

 Five Elements of Game Experience

Visual scanning: visual perception, especially scanning the entire screen at once. Auditory discriminations: listening for game events and signals. Motor responses: physical actions a player takes with the game controls. Concentration: intense focus on play. Perceptual patterns of learning: coming to know the structure of the game itself.
Folksonomies: games experience gaming
Folksonomies: games experience gaming
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10 MAR 2017 by ideonexus

 Flow Promotes Learning

Experiences that are well aligned with flow are those that we have no trouble committing to for a long time. We concentrate on them for hours at a time because we’re getting rewarded for that concentration. Even more important, perhaps, is that when we’re playing games, we want to enter that deep state of concentration. Well-crafted experiences offer a deep and effortless involvement that separates the experience of play from the experience of ordinary life. These experiences are enjoyabl...
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18 OCT 2014 by ideonexus

 The Quiet

‘What was it like? Being Quiet?’ I try my food. The zebra is indeed excellent, dark and juicy: she has good taste. Perhaps she picked it up from me. She crumbles a piece of bread on her plate, lost in thought. ‘It’s difficult to explain. It’s very abrupt: when your Time runs out, the transition happens. The Resurrection Men just come to pick your body up, but you are already there. It’s like having a stroke. Suddenly, your brain works differently, in a different body, with differ...
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A post-singularity society where people are with the living for a period of time and use time as currency, and when they die they become "quiet" robotic laborers and servants for a time.

08 JUN 2012 by ideonexus

 The Formation of Grains of Sand

On the basis of the results recorded in this review, it can be claimed that the average sand grain has taken many hundreds of millions of years to lose 10 per cent. of its weight by abrasion and become subangular. It is a platitude to point to the slowness of geological processes. But much depends on the way things are put. For it can also be said that a sand grain travelling on the bottom of a river loses 10 million molecules each time it rolls over on its side and that representation impres...
Folksonomies: wonder numbers
Folksonomies: wonder numbers
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Miraculous in numbers.

07 JUN 2012 by ideonexus

 Newton Was the Last Magi

Newton was not the first of the age of reason. He was the last of the magicians, the last of the Babylonians and Sumerians ... Isaac Newton, a posthumous child born with no father on Christmas Day, 1642, was the last wonder child to whom the Magi could do sincere and appropriate homage... Why do I call him a magician? Because he looked on the whole universe and all that is in it as a riddle, as a secret which could be read by applying pure thought to certain evidence, certain mystic clues whi...
Folksonomies: history wonder
Folksonomies: history wonder
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Last of the Babylonians, who looked at the Universe as riddle to be solved.

23 MAR 2012 by ideonexus

 Nucleic Acids Unify Biology

We are now witnessing, after the slow fermentation of fifty years, a concentration of technical power aimed at the essential determinants of heredity, development and disease. This concentration is made possible by the common function of nucleic acids as the molecular midwife of all reproductive particles. Indeed it is the nucleic acids which, in spite of their chemical obscurity, are giving to biology a unity which has so far been lacking, a chemical unity.
Folksonomies: biology genetics dna
Folksonomies: biology genetics dna
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By providing a molecular starting point for everything else.

30 JAN 2012 by ideonexus

 The Social Darwinism of Wealth Consolidation

While the law [of competition] may be sometimes hard for the individual, it is best for the race, because it insures the survival of the fittest in every department. We accept and welcome, therefore, as conditions to which we must accommodate ourselves, great inequality of environment, the concentration of business, industrial and commercial, in the hands of a few, and the law of competition between these, as being not only beneficial, but essential for the future progress of the race.
Folksonomies: social darwinism
Folksonomies: social darwinism
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Andrew Carnegie argues that economic inequality is good for the species because it promotes natural selection.

21 MAY 2011 by ideonexus

 Looking to Animal Instincts for What's Needed for Women i...

Now, back to the family cat or dog in labor. By quietly, even sneakily, approaching we observe additional factors involved. 1. The need for darkness and solitude. Bright lights are indeed disturbing. My attempts to take photographs of dogs and cats have been foiled by the indignant laboring mothers retreating to dark secluded place usually physically out of reach of annoying human beings—such as far under the house or barn. 2. The need for quiet becomes obvious. Any loud or unexpected n...
Folksonomies: pregnancy childbirth
Folksonomies: pregnancy childbirth
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Quiet, solitude, and an environment conducive to concentration and relaxation.