29 JUN 2011 by ideonexus
How the Mother-Infant Bond Grows Over Time
Evidence that there is some sort of heightened awareness by mothers, caused either by biology or emotions, is seen in a mother's ability soon after birth to recognize her infant by smell and voice alone. In several studies, mothers who had spent only a few hours with their newborns were able to smell out their babies when comparing their shirts with the shirts worn by other babies. Mothers are also pretty good at hearing their infants. Women with new infants in wards usually sleep through the...Mothers grow more attached to their babies as their interactions grow so that the mother can better identify her baby and respond to its cry.
21 MAY 2011 by ideonexus
Breast Feeding is Unsanitary
Twenty-six years ago I noticed that our clearheaded, undrugged mothers, who were not strapped down or restrained in any way, eagerly, with mothedy murmurs of joy, reached out to grasp and hold their babies as I placed them on their abdomens. Why not let them hold their babies? I have heard many absurd objections over the years. "The mother's hands and breasts are not sterile!" I personally feel that nonsterility is one of the greatest benefits of breast-feeding. Bacteria are essential to the ...And the bacteria is good for the baby.
21 MAY 2011 by ideonexus
The Advantages of Breastfeeding
What are other benefits of breast-feeding? Let's consider a few. We think the Creator intended that your wife should not have an immediate return of her menstrual bleeding after having a baby. She has donated blood to the baby itself (not directly but via the ingredients), and she then loses some incident to its birth. The recovery phase from this loss after the baby is born should not be handicapped by menstruation. It's hard to build up a depleted savings account when regular withdrawals ar...It's healthier for the mother and for the child.
21 MAY 2011 by ideonexus
Animal Instinct and Child Birth
What, then, is the difference between human and other animals?
Are their bodies made differently? As a matter of fact they are remarkably similar. Cat and dog bodies are used in premedical anatomy studies due to the similarity of structures with identical name and function. Is it that they just can't experience pain? Following a natural-childbirth newspaper article, an indignant letter to the editor asserted cats can have kittens without pain because they cannot feel pain as human beings do...Humans don't have instincts when it comes to childbirth, but they can train for it.
21 MAY 2011 by ideonexus
Drugging Pregnant Mother Drugs Their Unborn Children
The historians of the future will undoubtedly look back upon our recent past era and refer to it as the "drug" era. The Pharmaceutical Manufacturer's Association estimates that ten thousand types of drugs are being manufactured in this country. We are the pill-takingest people the earth has ever known. Sir William Osier once stated: "The desire to take medicine is perhaps the greatest feature which distinguishes man from animals." Our fervent plea as advocates of natural childbirth is to imit...And leads to unhealthy, drugged-out newborns.
21 MAY 2011 by ideonexus
Remember Happy Times During Labor
Now we come to a facet of human relaxation that is inescapable. The relationship of mind to body, or the psychosomatic nature of humans. The mind and body are interacting, one helping or hindering the other. It is probably impossible to relax the body completely if the mind is under tension. Vice versa, it is impossible to relax the mind completely if the body is under tension. This is observed also in animals in their need to concentrate during labor and the temporary viciousness of laboring...To get the woman's mind off her present discomfort.
21 MAY 2011 by ideonexus
The First Moments After Birth
After the baby is born, most doctors, including myself, hold it in our lap momentarily, to allow baby blood in the placenta to pass by gravity through the umbilical cord back into the baby, and to wipe the baby as clean as possible with gauze squares. We feel this is a substitute for the animal mother's licking her baby. This probably has nothing to do with cleanliness but serves as a dermal reflex. It is amazing how many babies void or empty their bladders upon this stimulation. It has been ...Folksonomies: pregnancy childbirth
Folksonomies: pregnancy childbirth
What happens medically and biologically in the first moments after a baby is born.
21 MAY 2011 by ideonexus
There's No Such Thing as Overdue
In healthy, normal mothers with healthy, normal babies there is no such thing as overdue. This term carries a dire connotation that unjustly scares the daylights out of uninformed people. More women have been unnecessarily forced into long, hard, unprepared labor, more b babies damaged by being made to come through a tough, "green," unripe cervix, because everyone was ready except the baby. It takes an obstetrician with a firm backbone to withstand the onslaught from anxious relatives—"Why ...Folksonomies: pregnancy childbirth
Folksonomies: pregnancy childbirth
The baby will come when it's ready.
21 MAY 2011 by ideonexus
The Change in Environment for a Baby Post-Birth
Imagine for a while the nature of the changes in his world that occurred at birth. From 98.6-degree warmth to 70-degree room temperature. From total darkness to glaring overhead lights in the hospital. From relative quiet, where instead of mother's familiar voice and the soothing rhythmical sounds of her body (her heartbeat, breath sounds. etc.) there are sudden loud, unfamiliar, startling noises. From being carried constantly with the rocking motion from Mother's hip movements, to the utter ...Folksonomies: pregnancy childbirth
Folksonomies: pregnancy childbirth
...and changes for the mother as well.
21 MAY 2011 by ideonexus
Looking to Animal Instincts for What's Needed for Women i...
Now, back to the family cat or dog in labor. By quietly, even sneakily, approaching we observe additional factors involved.
1. The need for darkness and solitude. Bright lights are indeed disturbing. My attempts to take photographs of dogs and cats have been foiled by the indignant laboring mothers retreating to dark secluded place usually physically out of reach of annoying human beings—such as far under the house or barn.
2. The need for quiet becomes obvious. Any loud or unexpected n...Folksonomies: pregnancy childbirth
Folksonomies: pregnancy childbirth
Quiet, solitude, and an environment conducive to concentration and relaxation.