The main equation that Virtuology (VG) could be theorized is: VG: U D, which means: Virtuology: Upload Download. This equation, as I believe, is summarized the entire new science, i.e. Virtuology (VG).
For example, it is used with MSCOW.7 It is implemented also in Large-scale Distributed Systems and Energy Efficiency. 8 Another study has M computers upload or download N contents. During the simulation process, each user selects a certain content to upload or download with a given probability. In addition, the type attribute of user behavior indicates a user may be likely to follow his own habit and has an obvious inclination to upload/download a specific kind of contents. If a user is found to prefer to upload/download pirated content according to the historical statistics, it is of higher probability for him to continue to upload/download piracy contents in the future. 9
A new science has emerged in this article; namely Virtuology (VG), with a new equation: VG: U D, which means: Virtuology: Upload Download. Virtuology (VG) is considered a new wave of Virtualism. Previously, Virtualism has been defined as a new style of thinking and acting. Virtuology (VG) is the science that describing reducing time and nearing place in virtual space and producing new patterns of thinking and acting in scientific ways.
Looked up this term after coming across a reference to "virtuologist" in a Cyberpunk story.
Folksonomies: models virtual digital citizenship
/business and industrial/business software (0.832611)
/technology and computing/hardware/computer components (0.790300)
/technology and computing/hardware/computer (0.773381)
entire new science (0.841318 (:0.000000)), main equation (0.781766 (:0.000000)), equation (0.688664 (:0.000000)), Virtuology (0.648755 (:0.000000)), new science (0.645604 (:0.000000)), VG (0.632965 (:0.000000)), user (0.615693 (:0.000000)), type attribute of user behavior (0.608155 (:0.000000)), addition (0.600451 (:0.000000)), virtual space (0.594758 (:0.000000)), science (0.592199 (:0.000000)), new equation (0.588784 (:0.000000)), article (0.575136 (:0.000000)), example (0.566746 (:0.000000)), Large-scale (0.561555 (:0.000000)), new wave of Virtualism (0.545304 (:0.000000)), U D (0.544984 (:0.000000)), Upload Download (0.542149 (:0.000000)), higher probability (0.541477 (:0.000000)), place (0.540183 (:0.000000)), content (0.537887 (:0.000000)), download (0.532499 (:0.000000)), study (0.530715 (:0.000000)), Energy Efficiency (0.530013 (:0.000000)), term (0.524466 (:0.000000)), simulation process (0.523775 (:0.000000)), probability (0.519192 (:0.000000)), reference (0.517034 (:0.000000)), reducing time (0.514092 (:0.000000)), Systems (0.514051 (:0.000000)), download N contents (0.489385 (:0.000000)), new style (0.484811 (:0.000000)), new patterns (0.474990 (:0.000000)), own habit (0.474066 (:0.000000)), M computers upload (0.471486 (:0.000000)), historical statistics (0.459500 (:0.000000)), obvious inclination (0.449576 (:0.000000)), Virtualism (0.445223 (:0.000000)), specific kind of contents (0.439978 (:0.000000)), download piracy contents (0.435790 (:0.000000)), scientific ways (0.426973 (:0.000000)), Cyberpunk story (0.426973 (:0.000000)), MSCOW (0.426608 (:0.000000)), virtuologist (0.411398 (:0.000000)), future (0.407051 (:0.000000))
Virtuology:Person (0.824359 (:0.000000)), Virtualism:Location (0.365019 (:0.000000))
Cyberpunk (0.914717): dbpedia_resource
Uploading and downloading (0.886784): dbpedia_resource