20 NOV 2018 by ideonexus
The main equation that Virtuology (VG) could be theorized is: VG: U D, which means: Virtuology: Upload Download. This equation, as I believe, is summarized the entire new science, i.e. Virtuology (VG).
For example, it is used with MSCOW.7 It is implemented also in Large-scale Distributed Systems and Energy Efficiency. 8 Another study has M computers upload or download N contents. During the simulation process, each user selects a certain content to upload or download with a given probab...Looked up this term after coming across a reference to "virtuologist" in a Cyberpunk story.
27 JUL 2018 by ideonexus
The Boundaries of a Game Versus Boundaries of Other Kinds...
What does it mean to say that games take place within set boundaries established by the act of play? Is this really true? Is there really such a distinct boundary? In fact there is. Compare, for example, the informal play of a toy with the more formal play of a game. A child approaching a doll, for example, can slowly and gradually enter into a play relationship with the doll. The child might look at the doll from across the room and shoot it a playful glance. Later, the child might pick it u...Folksonomies: gameplay
Folksonomies: gameplay
20 JUN 2017 by ideonexus
The Sense of Wonder is More Viral Than Anger
In many cases, these flare-ups triggered a chain reaction of anger, with User A influencing Users B and C, and outward in a widening circle of hostility, until it seemed all of Sina Weibo was burning. The users, according to the study’s authors, passed along these messages not only to “express their anger” but to instill a similar sense of outrage among other members of their online community on Sina Weibo—one of the only venues where the Chinese can circumvent government restrictions...17 AUG 2016 by ideonexus
Stanford d.school Design Thinking Process
Step 1: Empathy = Really get to know your user
Use human-centered design process, which puts the user squarely at the center of the process. When designing, you start with identifying who you want to design for (your user) and really get to know them.
3 ways to get to know our user:
Observation (what we observe them doing, in the environment we want to design for as well as in other similar and different environments, so we really get to know how they live and work, what they value, etc., ...Folksonomies: education technology
Folksonomies: education technology
16 APR 2013 by ideonexus
The Sensory Database
Both technological sensors and enhanced biological
senses come equipped with databases of scanned
“signatures” that make it easier to identify whatever
the user is sensing (in the case of bioware, these databases
are stored and accessed via the character’s
mesh inserts). For example, infrared sensors feature
databases listing the heat signatures of different
animals and items, making it easier to identify such
things. In relevant situations, apply a 20 modifier
for identifying targets ...SF idea that cyber-implants would be linked to a database of identifiers. Similar to how the nose is a library of molecules, with dogs having longer noses and therefore a larger library of molecules they can identify in their database.
12 SEP 2011 by ideonexus
Dogma Turns Against Those Who Use It
Now any dogma, based primarily on faith and emotionalism, is a dangerous weapon to use on others, since it is almost impossible to guarantee that the weapon will never be turned on the user.Folksonomies: witch hunts dogma
Folksonomies: witch hunts dogma
Similar to the instigators of witch hunts, who are eventually accused themselves.
01 JUN 2011 by ideonexus
Marijuana Use is Self-Regulating
There is a very nice self-titering aspect to cannabis. Each puff is a very small dose; the time lag between inhaling a puff and sensing its effect is small; and there is no desire for more after the high is there. I think the ratio, R, of the time to sense the dose taken to the time required to take an excessive dose is an important quantity. R is very large for LSD (which I've never taken) and reasonably short for cannabis. Small values of R should be one measure of the safety of psychedelic...Because the period of time between the puff of smoke and its effect on the user, it is easy to regulate how high you want to get when smoking it.