Using Feedback to Control Weight

Recent research has shown that exhaust from lungs (part of excretion) is a major factor in weight loss. Burning 10 kg human fat requires inhalation of 29 kg oxygen. This produces 28 kg carbon dioxide and 11 kg water. As food and drinks are temporarily stored in the human stomach and bowels, the body weight is instantaneously increased with the weight of any food or drink consumed. Metabolism is usually divided into catabolism and anabolism, where catabolism is the process of breaking down organic matter and anabolism is the reverse process of constructing proteins and nucleic acids. Metabolism is catalyzed by enzymes and metabolic rates can be strongly time and state dependent, governed by such catalyzing enzymes. In eukaryotes, such as homo sapiens, metabolism is connected to a series of proteins in mitochondria. As a very coarse model, the level of metabolism at any given time is therefore proportional to the number of mitochondria. The number of mitochondria depends strongly on tissue types and therefore on body distribution of these, but in the larger picture the number of mitochondria is positively correlated with the number of cells in the body, which is finally approximately proportional to the body weight.


Proposed control algorithm

The approach suggested in this article relies on the following assumptions:


  • Body weight is a measureable state variable
  • Food weight is a controllable input
  • Metabolic rates can be time-varying, but are bounded from below, α≥αmin




Folksonomies: health diet weight loss

/health and fitness/aging (0.324560)
/health and fitness/disease (0.282076)
/health and fitness/disease/cancer (0.214756)

body weight (0.931720 (negative:-0.611396)), kg carbon dioxide (0.902599 (neutral:0.000000)), Weight Recent research (0.843123 (neutral:0.000000)), metabolic rates (0.825948 (positive:0.010130)), kg oxygen (0.655014 (negative:-0.380691)), mitochondria (0.623941 (neutral:0.000000)), kg water (0.623155 (neutral:0.000000)), metabolism (0.588274 (positive:0.070790)), catalyzing enzymes (0.559036 (neutral:0.000000)), major factor (0.554574 (negative:-0.677163)), weight loss (0.549591 (negative:-0.677163)), nucleic acids (0.531103 (neutral:0.000000)), human stomach (0.526251 (negative:-0.701110)), coarse model (0.512599 (negative:-0.657891)), organic matter (0.511774 (neutral:0.000000)), controllable input (0.511276 (neutral:0.000000)), measureable state (0.506743 (neutral:0.000000)), reverse process (0.502803 (neutral:0.000000)), following assumptions (0.497374 (neutral:0.000000)), larger picture (0.493929 (neutral:0.000000)), tissue types (0.492899 (neutral:0.000000)), body distribution (0.485703 (neutral:0.000000)), control algorithm (0.485468 (neutral:0.000000)), Food weight (0.479410 (neutral:0.000000)), number (0.385065 (neutral:0.000000)), proteins (0.337142 (neutral:0.000000)), time (0.308138 (positive:0.377679)), catabolism (0.298623 (negative:-0.306889)), anabolism (0.298383 (negative:-0.306889)), excretion (0.296043 (negative:-0.367508))

homo sapiens:FieldTerminology (0.843764 (negative:-0.218787)), carbon dioxide:FieldTerminology (0.797264 (neutral:0.000000)), 10 kg:Quantity (0.797264 (neutral:0.000000)), 11 kg:Quantity (0.797264 (neutral:0.000000)), 28 kg:Quantity (0.797264 (neutral:0.000000)), 29 kg:Quantity (0.797264 (neutral:0.000000))

Metabolism (0.979376): dbpedia | freebase
Carbon dioxide (0.490950): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Oxygen (0.482525): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Nitrogen (0.468180): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Adenosine triphosphate (0.454635): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Protein (0.449296): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Bacteria (0.432352): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Human (0.419366): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Mass (0.398022): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Nutrition (0.392198): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Enzyme (0.370254): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Cell (0.369860): dbpedia | freebase
Photosynthesis (0.354038): dbpedia | freebase
Carbon (0.335834): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Cellular respiration (0.334917): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Nucleic acid (0.330857): dbpedia | freebase
Mitochondrion (0.324661): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Yeast (0.321783): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Anabolism (0.309358): dbpedia | freebase
Alcohol (0.306331): dbpedia | freebase
Catabolism (0.301287): dbpedia | freebase
Amino acid (0.300933): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
DNA (0.299930): website | dbpedia | freebase | yago
Metabolic pathway (0.296137): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Catalysis (0.292508): dbpedia | freebase
Biochemistry (0.283768): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Control theory (0.277987): dbpedia | freebase
Cytosol (0.267472): dbpedia | freebase
Ribozyme (0.267006): dbpedia | freebase | yago
Oxidative phosphorylation (0.257349): dbpedia | freebase

 Closed-loop weight control: the power of feedback
Electronic/World Wide Web>Blog:  IFAC, (DECEMBER 5, 2016), Closed-loop weight control: the power of feedback, Retrieved on 2017-01-18
  • Source Material []
  • Folksonomies: feedback dieting weight control