Can Social Networking Change the Human Brain
Consider, for example, the fact that the size of military units has not changed materially in thousands of years, even though our communication technology (from signal fires to telegraphy to radio to radar) has. The basic unit in the Roman army (the “maniple”) was composed of 120-130 men, and the size of the analogous unit in modern armies (the company) is still about the same.
The fact that effective human group size has not changed very substantially — even though communication technology has — suggests that it is not the technology that is crucial to our performance. Rather, the crucial factor is the ability of the human mind to track social relationships, to form mental rosters that identify who is who, and to form mental maps that track who is connected to whom and how strong or weak, or cooperative or adversarial, those relationships are. I do not think that the Internet has changed the ability of my brain to do this. While we may use the word “friends” to refer to all our contacts online, they are decidedly not our friends, in the truly social, emotional, or biological sense of the word.
While we may have hundreds of friends on social network sites, the human brain is only capable of handling a smaller social network.
Folksonomies: internet social networking technology society
/technology and computing/internet technology/social network (0.523825)
/health and fitness/disease/cancer/brain tumor (0.496369)
/technology and computing (0.418531)
Social Networking Change (0.946015 (positive:0.304995)), smaller social network (0.931292 (neutral:0.000000)), social network sites (0.925224 (positive:0.304995)), communication technology (0.874948 (positive:0.424062)), effective human group (0.842660 (positive:0.366237)), human brain (0.818848 (positive:0.304995)), crucial factor (0.616850 (positive:0.348913)), signal fires (0.601016 (neutral:0.000000)), analogous unit (0.594559 (neutral:0.000000)), modern armies (0.586941 (neutral:0.000000)), military units (0.583436 (neutral:0.000000)), Roman army (0.572186 (neutral:0.000000)), basic unit (0.558242 (neutral:0.000000)), biological sense (0.543844 (neutral:0.000000)), mental rosters (0.533653 (neutral:0.000000)), human mind (0.533480 (positive:0.348913)), mental maps (0.531936 (negative:-0.417936)), social relationships (0.521473 (positive:0.348913)), size (0.399470 (positive:0.366237)), friends (0.376604 (positive:0.020561)), ability (0.330571 (negative:-0.155926)), maniple (0.327260 (neutral:0.000000)), word (0.304638 (neutral:0.000000)), radar (0.273664 (neutral:0.000000)), hundreds (0.272933 (positive:0.304995)), example (0.268703 (neutral:0.000000)), thousands (0.266808 (neutral:0.000000)), radio (0.266086 (neutral:0.000000)), company (0.264021 (neutral:0.000000)), performance (0.261988 (positive:0.576708))
social network:FieldTerminology (0.997876 (positive:0.304995)), Social Networking:FieldTerminology (0.819340 (positive:0.304995))
Brain (0.951310): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Army (0.950472): dbpedia | freebase
Mind (0.896352): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Psychology (0.784684): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Sociology (0.749185): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Social network service (0.720132): dbpedia
Thought (0.702550): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Human brain (0.697452): dbpedia | freebase