Recommendations for Exposing Children to Television
1. Keep the TV off before the child turns 2. I know this is tough to hear for parents who need a break. If you can’t turn it off—if you haven’t created those social networks that can allow you a rest—at least limit your child’s exposure to TV. We live in the real world, after all, and an irritated, overextended parent can be just as harmful to a child’s development as an annoying purple dinosaur. 2. After age 2, help your children choose the shows (and other screen-based exposures) they will experience. Pay special attention to any media that allow intelligent interaction. 3. Watch the chosen TV show with your kids, interacting with the media, helping them to analyze and think critically about what they just experienced. And rethink putting a TV in the kids room: Kids with their own TVs score an average of 8 points lower on math and language-arts tests than those in households with TVs in the family room.
No television before age two, and when television is introduced, limit consumption and use watching television as a chance for interaction to have the child think critically about what they are seeing.
Folksonomies: parenting critical thinking child rearing television
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Reality television (0.966905): dbpedia | freebase | yago
Television (0.763350): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Sociology (0.722016): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Television program (0.630544): dbpedia | freebase
Television network (0.588962): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
The Child (0.578651): dbpedia
Developmental psychology (0.564126): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Real number (0.562532): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc