Electronic/World Wide Web>Blog: swb, (11/08/2012), Real Life: Video Game Review, Retrieved on 2013-11-16Source Material [popstrip.com]
Folksonomies: humor game review Memes
16 NOV 2013
NPCs in the Game "Real Life"
The NPCs have no depth. The can only carry on brief repetitive conversations about simple topics, such as the weather or football. They all follow simple repetitive paths from home, to work, to the store, and back home again where they spend the majority of their time watching television.Deceptively simplistic.
16 NOV 2013
Objective in the "Real Life" Game
The game heavily relies on the "carrot on a stick" principle. All objectives appear to be increasingly possible, yet every goal point disappears moments before you achieve it. There also appears to be no reward for honesty, hard work, altruism, or loyalty.Highly pessimistic version.