27 AUG 2014 by ideonexus
Metabolic costs and evolutionary implications of human br...
30 DEC 2013 by ideonexus
Short- and Long-Term Effects of a Novel on Connectivity i...
Periodicals>Journal Article: Berns, Blaine, Prietula, Pye (December 9, 2013), Short- and Long-Term Effects of a Novel on Connectivity in the Brain, Brain Connectivity, Volume: 3 Issue 6: December 9, 2013, Retrieved on 2013-12-30Source Material [online.liebertpub.com]
22 MAR 2013 by ideonexus
Anatomical Plasticity of Adult Brain Is Titrated by Nogo ...
Periodicals>Journal Article: Akbik, Bhagat, Patel, Cafferty, Strittmatter (6 March 2013), Anatomical Plasticity of Adult Brain Is Titrated by Nogo Receptor , Neuron, Volume 77, Issue 5, Cellular Neuroscience, Neurodegeneration and Repair Program, Departments of Neurology and Neurobiology, Yale University , Retrieved on 2013-03-22Source Material [www.sciencedirect.com]
22 MAR 2013 by ideonexus
Nogo receptor 1 regulates formation of lasting memories
Periodicals>Journal Article: Karlén, Karlsson, Mattsson, Lundströmer, Codeluppi, Pham, Bäckman, Ögren, Åberg, Hoffman, Sherling, Lupica, Hoffer, Spenger, Josephson, Brené, Olson (2009 November 13), Nogo receptor 1 regulates formation of lasting memories, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A., 106(48): 20476–20481, Retrieved on 2013-03-22Source Material [www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov]
23 APR 2012 by ideonexus
Context-Dependent Memory for Meaningful Material: Informa...
30 SEP 2011 by ideonexus
How Exercise Can Strengthen the Brain
Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Article: Reynolds, Gretchen (September 28, 2011), How Exercise Can Strengthen the Brain, New York Times, New York, Retrieved on 2011-09-30Source Material [well.blogs.nytimes.com]