30 JUL 2024 by ideonexus
I'm convinced the US knowingly preys on their less intell...
Electronic/World Wide Web>Message Posted to Online Forum/Discussion Group: Longjumping-Bake-557, (20240728), I'm convinced the US knowingly preys on their less intelligent people, Reddit Mensa, Retrieved on 2024-07-30Source Material [www.reddit.com]
Folksonomies: intelligence exploitation
Folksonomies: intelligence exploitation
24 SEP 2021 by ideonexus
Speculations Concerning the First Ultraintelligent Machine
Periodicals>Journal Article: Irving, John Good (1965), Speculations Concerning the First Ultraintelligent Machine, Advances in Computes, Volume 6, Trinity College, Retrieved on 2021-09-24Source Material [vtechworks.lib.vt.edu]
24 SEP 2021 by ideonexus
Why Computers Won't Make Themselves Smarter
Periodicals>Magazine Article: Chiang, Ted (03/30/2021), Why Computers Won't Make Themselves Smarter, New Yorker, Retrieved on 2021-09-24Source Material [www.newyorker.com]
02 MAR 2019 by ideonexus
Chess is the Drosophila of Reasoning
Periodicals>Journal Article: Kasparov, Gary (2018-12-07), Chess is the Drosophila of Reasoning, Science 07 Dec 2018:, Vol. 362, Issue 6419, pp. 1087, Retrieved on 2019-03-02Source Material [science.sciencemag.org]
Folksonomies: intelligence measuring intelligence
Folksonomies: intelligence measuring intelligence
08 JUL 2016 by ideonexus
You can increase your intelligence: 5 ways to maximize yo...
Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Article: Kuszewski, Andrea (March 7, 2011), You can increase your intelligence: 5 ways to maximize your cognitive potential, Retrieved on 2016-07-08Source Material [blogs.scientificamerican.com]
Folksonomies: cognition intelligence
Folksonomies: cognition intelligence
24 MAY 2016 by ideonexus
The Busier the Better: Greater Busyness Is Associated wit...
Periodicals>Journal Article: Festini, McDonough, Park (17 May 2016), The Busier the Better: Greater Busyness Is Associated with Better Cognition, Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, Retrieved on 2016-05-24Source Material [journal.frontiersin.org]
Folksonomies: cognition intelligence
Folksonomies: cognition intelligence
26 MAY 2015 by ideonexus
The Significance of the Flynn Effect
Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Article: Ceci, Stephen J. (November 13, 2007), The Significance of the Flynn Effect, CATO, Retrieved on 2015-05-26Source Material [www.cato-unbound.org]
26 MAY 2015 by ideonexus
The Fundamental Intuition
Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Article: Turkheimer, Eric (November 11, 2007), The Fundamental Intuition, CATO, Retrieved on 2015-05-26Source Material [www.cato-unbound.org]
Folksonomies: intelligence g-factor
Folksonomies: intelligence g-factor
26 MAY 2015 by ideonexus
Shattering Intelligence: Implications for Education and I...
Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Article: Flynn, James R. (November 5, 2007), Shattering Intelligence: Implications for Education and Interventions, CATO Unbound, Retrieved on 2015-05-26Source Material [www.cato-unbound.org]
Folksonomies: intelligence plasticity
Folksonomies: intelligence plasticity
26 MAY 2015 by ideonexus
Heritability Estimates Versus Large Environmental Effects...
Periodicals>Journal Article: Flynn, James R. and Dickens, William T. (2001/04/01), Heritability Estimates Versus Large Environmental Effects: The IQ Paradox Resolved, Brookings Institution, Retrieved on 2015-05-26Source Material [www.brookings.edu]