Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book:  Whitehead , Alfred North (1926), Science and the Modern World, CUP Archive, Retrieved on 2014-05-29
  • Source Material []
  • Folksonomies: history science


    29 MAY 2014

     When Science Became a Profession

    The possibilities of modem technology were first in practice realised in England by the energy of a prosperous middle class. Accordingly, the industrial revolution started there. But the Germans explicitly realised the methods by which the deeper veins in the mine of science could be reached. In their technological schools and universities progress did not have to wait for the occasional genius or the occasional lucky thought. Their feats of scholarship during the nineteenth century were the ...
      1  notes

    Rising from the prosperous classes and the reliance on occasional genius to a methodology for producing consistent results.

    29 MAY 2014

     Blurred Boundaries in the Sciences

    Science is taking on a new aspect which is neither purely physical nor purely biological. It is becoming the study of organisms. Biology is the Study of the larger organisms; whereas physics is the study of the smaller organisms.
    Folksonomies: sciences
    Folksonomies: sciences
      1  notes

    Biology and physics are a false dichotomy.

    29 MAY 2014

     Against Mindfulness

    It is a profoundly erroneous truism, repeated by all copy books and by eminent people when they are making speeches, that we should cultivate the habit of thinking of what we are doing. The precise opposite is the case. Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking about them.
    Folksonomies: mindfulness thought
    Folksonomies: mindfulness thought
      1  notes

    Automation is more desirable than thinking about what we are doing.

    Parent Reference