17 OCT 2021 by ideonexus
The Moral of the Bees
Then leave Complaints: Fools only strive To make a Great an honest Hive. T’ enjoy the World’s Conveniencies, Be famed in War, yet live in Ease Without great Vices, is a vain Eutopia seated in the Brain. Fraud, Luxury, and Pride must live Whilst we the Benefits receive. Hunger’s a dreadful Plague, no doubt, Yet who digests or thrives without? Do we not owe the Growth of Wine To the dry shabby crooked Vine? Which, whilst its Shutes neglected stood, Choak’d other Plants, and ran to Wood;...Folksonomies: social commentary
Folksonomies: social commentary
09 NOV 2019 by ideonexus
Esports Workout Regimen
Eating right, sleeping right, exercising, cleaning up for sponsors — these ideas have undergirded traditional sports for generations. In e-sports, they are regarded as almost radical. “They don’t look at themselves as physical human beings,” said Hvidt, who won the European handball championship with Denmark in 2008. “It’s common sense, in a way. But with them it was not.” Rfrsh has a validating narrative under its belt. The company’s other team, Astralis, which competes in...07 NOV 2019 by ideonexus
Wealthy Kids Acquire a Taste for Healthier Foods Because ...
But those kids can learn to like [brocolli], eventually: One 1990 study found that kids need to be presented with unknown foods somewhere between eight and 15 times before they come to accept them. This, of course, doesn’t come cheap. Once rejected, a good number of those eight to 15 servings of broccoli (or carrots or whole grains or fish) are going to end up on the floor and then in the garbage. And on top of that, parents need to buy a dependable backup food to have on hand. Who can aff...27 JUL 2018 by ideonexus
Competitive and Addictive Gaming VS Gaming for Play
The compulsive games-player, of course, is another universal phenomenon, particularly where gambling is a part of the game. The compulsive gambler is not made in a day: he descends an increasingly slippery path, eventually falling into a psychological trap from which escape is rare. The Chinese god of gambhng, Tu Chieng Kui, represents a man who spent his hfe gambling until he died, deeply in debt. Traditionally, statuettes made of him - known as 'a devil gambhng for cash' - show a figure in ...27 JUL 2018 by ideonexus
Norman Borlaug, Giga-Lifesaver
In the 1950s and ’60s, another giga-lifesaver, Norman Borlaug, outsmarted evolution to foment the Green Revolution in the developing world.21 Plants in nature invest a lot of energy and nutrients in woody stalks that raise their leaves and blossoms above the shade of neighboring weeds and of each other. Like fans at a rock concert, everyone stands up, but no one gets a better view. That’s the way evolution works: it myopically selects for individual advantage, not the greater good of the ...12 DEC 2017 by ideonexus
Money Allows for Easy Conversions
Money is thus a universal medium of exchange that enables people to convert almost everything into almost anything else. Brawn gets converted to brain when a discharged soldier12 DEC 2017 by ideonexus
The Difficulty of Reconstructing Our Forager Ancestor's W...
We obviously have no written records from the age of foragers, and the archaeological evidence consists mainly of fossilised bones and stone tools. Artefacts made of more perishable materials – such as wood, bamboo or leather – survive only under unique conditions. The common impression that pre-agricultural humans lived in an age of stone is a misconception based on this archaeological bias. The Stone Age should more accurately be called the Wood Age, because most of the tools used by an...Folksonomies: history archeology
Folksonomies: history archeology
12 DEC 2017 by ideonexus
The Power of Fire
A signi20 JUL 2017 by ideonexus
How the fantastic becomes dull and familiar
Most fantasy RPGs follow the tried and allegedly true formula, which strips them of anything ‘fantastic’ and grounds them in the dull ‘reality’ of the familiar. Sadly, the much coveted instant recognition usually means instantly forgettable. How many times should we save an utterly predictable and generic world before it gets really old? Why is that when we see a town on the horizon, it’s not a place of wonder and strange customs, but a place to restock on FEDEX quest and trade in y...10 MAR 2017 by ideonexus
Stapleton's Use of Religious Terms
At the risk of raising thunder both on the Left and on the Right, I have occasionally used certain ideas and words derived from religion, and I have tried to interpret them in relation to modern needs. The valuable, though much damaged words "spiritual" and "worship," which have become almost as obscene to the Left as the good old sexual words are to the Right, are here intended to suggest an experience which the Right is apt to pervert and the Left to misconceive. This experience, I should s...Folksonomies: language religiosity
Folksonomies: language religiosity