25 FEB 2016 by ideonexus
227 cognitive verbs organized into 24 categories of seman...
Add to: combine, deepen, improve, incorporate, integrate, introduceArrange: arrange, list, organize, sortBig picture: comprehend, contextualize, orient, understandCollaborate: collaborate, contribute, engage, interact, participate, shareCompare: associate, categorize, classify, compare, connect, contrast, differentiate, discriminate, distinguish, link, match, relateCreate: accomplish, achieve, build, compose, construct, create, develop, draft, form, generate, initiate, produce, publish, recor...09 NOV 2015 by ideonexus
How to Teach Vocabulary
Begin with a story or explanation of the term. Modeling how you use the word in your life
or in conversation may be helpful to students.
Have students put information into their own words. This process, which I call “recoding,”
is necessary to make sure students understand the word. This is a vital step in the memory
process. Skipping this step can be disastrous as students may have a misconception
that will be placed in long-term memory through incorrect rehearsals (Sprenger, 2005).
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Folksonomies: teaching vocabulary
03 NOV 2015 by ideonexus