02 MAR 2019 by ideonexus
Logic as Magical Thinking
These battles over definition are not taking place in the same universe as the one in which men throw around these terms online. But for the Logic Guys, the purpose of using these words — the sacred, magic words like “logic,” “objectivity,” “reason,” “rationality,” “fact” — is not to invoke the actual concepts themselves. It’s more a kind of incantation, whereby declaring your argument the single “logical” and “rational” one magically makes it so — and by e...12 DEC 2017 by ideonexus
Capitalism Demands Faith in Scientific Progress
ScientiFolksonomies: capitalism scientific progress
Folksonomies: capitalism scientific progress
25 OCT 2017 by ideonexus
Knowledge Replaced with Social Media
When it emerged towards the end of the 80s as a purely text-based medium, [the internet] was seen as a tool to pursue knowledge, not pleasure. Reason and thought were most valued in this garden—all derived from the project of Enlightenment. Universities around the world were among the first to connect to this new medium, which hosted discussion groups, informative personal or group blogs, electronic magazines, and academic mailing lists and forums. It was an intellectual project, not about ...20 JUL 2017 by ideonexus
The Need for Moral Universals in Democracy
Working societies — if they are to endure, grow, and cohere, if they are to prosper, hang together, and really mature — need moral universals. Moral universals are simply things that people believe everyone should have. In the UK, those things — those moral universals — are healthcare and media and welfare. In Germany, they are healthcare and media and welfare and higher education. And so on.
Moral universals anchor a society in a genuinely shared prosperity. Not just...17 MAY 2017 by ideonexus
Success as Proof of Virtue
Ivanka contrasts “proactive” people, who are “passionate and productive,” with “negative people,” those who are “swayed by the external and are frequently the victim of circumstance.” Her worldview, it turns out, is not so different from her father’s. Both see society through the lens of quasi-mystical corporate self-help, the sort pioneered by Norman Vincent Peale, author of The Power of Positive Thinking and a major influence on Donald Trump. In their schema, success is pr...31 MAY 2015 by ideonexus
The Future of "Brave New World" is "The Time Machine"
Brave New World gives us a dramatic view of a future
in which the technology made possible by science
brings science to a halt. This future is consistent with
the more remote future seen by the Time Traveler in
Wells's Time Machine. After the disruptive influence of
science has been permanently tamed by the triumph of
bureaucracy and eugenics, it is easy to imagine human
society remaining stuck in the rigidly conservative caste
system of Brave New World for thousands of centuries,
until the s...Folksonomies: science fiction social commentary
Folksonomies: science fiction social commentary
24 JAN 2015 by ideonexus
H.G. Wells Time Machine and Evolution
Nobody has imagined the future of fate with greater artistry than H. G. Wells in his fantasy The Time Machine, published in 1895. Wells imagined the human species split in two, the spark of reason dulled and the sense of purpose extinguished. His two species, the degenerate descendants of the upper and lower classes of Victorian England, are caught in an evolutionary dead end without hope of escape. The lower class, living underground like rats, has retained enough manual dexterity to keep th...Folksonomies: futurism
Folksonomies: futurism
24 JAN 2014 by ideonexus
Science Should be Accessible to All
The circulation of accurate and meaningful natural science ideas is of vital concern to our age. These are abundant in science but scarce in society. They should be rendered accessible to all. . . without education in natural science it is impossible to develop a strong intellect.... By placing natural science at the beginning of a course of education we would cleanse the child's mind of all prejudices; we would raise him on healthful food until the time when, strong of intellect . . . and re...Folksonomies: enlightenment education
Folksonomies: enlightenment education
The importance of universal public education.
22 JAN 2014 by ideonexus
Science is Human Power, Needing Guidance
It is against the background of conflict and confusion in the relations of science and society that we find ourselves confronted with a crisis in the history of mankind, and particularly in the history of human government. It is a crisis arising from the rapidly increasing power given to man by science. It is a crisis such as we are accustomed to leave to the arbitrement of sectional interests supported by shouts and cries. But it is one to which scientific inquiry can provide a solution. For...And science can provide the guidance through managing human beings through biological knowledge.
21 JAN 2014 by ideonexus
Technological Humanism
The habit of apprehending a technology in its completeness: this is the essence of technological humanism, and this is what we should expect education in higher technology to achieve. I believe it could be achieved by making specialist studies the core around which are grouped liberal studies which are relevant to these specialist studies. But they must be relevant; the path to culture should be through a man's specialism, not by-passing it.... A student who can weave his technology into the ...Folksonomies: technology humanism
Folksonomies: technology humanism
Education in technology should enable a student to "weave" technology into society.