02 MAR 2019 by ideonexus
Space is Negative Energy
The great mystery at the heart of the Big Bang is to explain how an entire, fantastically enormous universe of space and energy can materiahse out of nothing. The secret lies in one of the strangest facts about our cosmos. The laws of physics demand the existence of something called "negative energy."
To help you get your head around this weird'd but crucial concept, let me draw on a simple analogy Imagine a man wants to build a hill on a flat piece of land. The hill will represent the univ...01 JAN 2017 by ideonexus
The secret to succeeding with computers is to lutz with t...
The secret to succeeding with computers is to lutz with them. BART EISENBERG: Push buttons, move text, insert lines, hit control characters, add dot commands, bring up menus, invoke commands and invoke more of them. Try it backwards, try it sideways, try it upside down. The method, lf you can call it that, is vaguely scientific-in that you perform some action and observe the results. A playful attitude will get you further with these machines than weeks of serious endeavor. Folksonomies: learning experimentation
Folksonomies: learning experimentation
01 SEP 2014 by ideonexus
The Problem of Too Much Information in Literature
When I am reading Hamlet I often develop an urge to tell people about it, as if the Melancholy Dane's history had heretofore been classified as a top secret. I am bursting with information about Hamlet, so filled am I by the massive "evidence" presented by Shakespeare. So I sit down at my writing table and begin to put together an essay or a lecture in which I seem to extract a thesis out of the evidence in the play. I say "seem" because I think I actually begin with some kind of preconceived...Folksonomies: literature humanities
Folksonomies: literature humanities
16 MAR 2014 by ideonexus
The Nintendo Effect
Technology can play an important role, but we haven’t had the time or wherewithal to explore it fully. I’m waiting for a breakthrough process, which I think may happen in mathematics. The people at Nintendo figured out billions of dollars ago that you pull kids in, you get them engaged, and that’s the model: engagement of intensive focused effort. The result is rapid incremental development of new skills and capabilities. These kids operate at a speed and accuracy level unheard of outsi...Folksonomies: education gamification
Folksonomies: education gamification
Nintendo has tapped into the secret of keeping kids engaged for hours.
03 MAR 2014 by ideonexus
How to Explain Science
As nearly as I can see, the only secret in popularising
science (or anything else) is remembering what thinking went on
in your head when you first really understood whatever it is
you're now explaining: especially (1) what misunderstandings
needed to be cleared away, (2) what metaphors and analogies
proved helpful, and (3) what reassurance had to be offered. The
effort involved is slight, the benefits great. Among the
potential pitfalls are oversimplification, the need to be sparing
w...Remember what was going on in your head when you first understood the thing.
16 JUL 2013 by ideonexus
Covering Your Tracks Online is Suspicious
The drawback to covering your tracks like this on
a daily basis is that it sometimes makes you look
like, well, like you’re covering your tracks. People
who engage all of their privacy functions sometimes
stand out in a transparent society. It may make
people suspicious, thinking that you’re up to something.
If you’re only encrypting your communications
with certain people, it sometimes makes it look
even worse, like you’re collaborating—and it also
pinpoints who you’re in cahoots...If you do not show up in searches, then it appears as though you have something to hide.
23 JUN 2012 by ideonexus
A Better Future for Our Children
Our children will enjoy in their homes electrical energy too cheap to meter. ... Transmutation of the elements, unlimited power, ability to investigate the working of living cells by tracer atoms, the secret of photosynthesis about to be uncovered, these and a host of other results, all in about fifteen short years. It is not too much to expect that our children will know of great periodic famines in the world only as matters of history, will travel effortlessly over the seas and under the an...Our children will experience a world made better through science.
12 JUN 2012 by ideonexus
Curiosity is More Important Than Doing Good
The value the world sets upon motives is often grossly unjust and inaccurate. Consider, for example, two of them: mere insatiable curiosity and the desire to do good. The latter is put high above the former, and yet it is the former that moves some of the greatest men the human race has yet produced: the scientific investigators. What animates a great pathologist? Is it the desire to cure disease, to save life? Surely not, save perhaps as an afterthought. He is too intelligent, deep down in h...More good has been done through curiosity.
21 MAR 2012 by ideonexus
The Earth as an "Old Warrior"
Our earth is very old, an old warrior that has lived through many battles. Nevertheless, the face of it is still changing, and science sees no certain limit of time for its stately evolution. Our solid earth, apparently so stable, inert, and finished, is changing, mobile, and still evolving. Its major quakings are largely the echoes of that divine far-off event, the building of our noble mountains. The lava floods and intriguing volcanoes tell us of the plasticity, mobility, of the deep inter...Folksonomies: metaphor earth science
Folksonomies: metaphor earth science
It's many features the weathering on it's face and its scars.
28 JAN 2012 by ideonexus
Why Travel to the Antarctic?
But why, it has been asked, did you go there [the Antarctic]? Of what use to civilization can this lifeless continent be? ... [Earlier] expeditions contributed something to the accumulating knowledge of the Antarctic ... that helps us thrust back further the physical and spiritual shadows enfolding our terrestrial existence. Is it not true that one of the strongest and most continuously sustained impulses working in civilization is that which leads to discovery? As long as any part of the wor...Folksonomies: exploration
Folksonomies: exploration
Because the curiosity of man takes us everywhere.