27 JUN 2017 by ideonexus

 Socrates on How Written Word Will Destroy Memory

or this discovery of yours will create forgetfulness in the learners’ souls, because they will not use their memories; they will trust to the external written characters and not remember of themselves. The specific which you have discovered is an aid not to memory, but to reminiscence, and you give your disciples not truth, but only the semblance of truth; they will be hearers of many things and will have learned nothing; they will appear to be omniscient and will generally know nothing; th...
Folksonomies: luddism technophobia
Folksonomies: luddism technophobia
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31 MAY 2015 by ideonexus


. 'Anthropologization' is the great internal threat to knowledge in our day. We are inclined to believe that man has emancipated himself from himself since his discovery that he is not at the centre of creation, nor in the middle of space, nor even, perhaps, the summit and culmination of life; but though man is no longer sovereign in the kingdom of the world, though he no longer reigns at the centre of being, the 'human sciences' are dangerous intermediaries in the space of knowledge. The tru...
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25 FEB 2015 by ideonexus

 RPG as Discovery

In a roleplaying game, the players take on the roles of people in a fictional world. Each player creates a character to portray, and together, the players create a story. In their imagination, the players experience the same challenges and rewards that their characters experience. To facilitate this, the rules of the game govern whether characters succeed or fail at what they try to do. This book sometimes refers to the player characters as PCs. In addition to the players who are the charact...
Folksonomies: rpg role-playing game
Folksonomies: rpg role-playing game
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21 JUN 2014 by ideonexus

 Scientists are After the Adventure of Discovery

The creative scientist is in fact usually more concemed with the relations of things to one another than with the precise verbal analysis of what these things are. He seeks a representation of the world which continually grows by an extension or transformation of what is there akeady. Thus what many scientists are really after is the adventure of discovery itself.
Folksonomies: discovery purpose
Folksonomies: discovery purpose
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22 JAN 2014 by ideonexus

 Science is Culture, Not Just Methods

The fruitful pursuit of scientific truth and its application, once discovered, is not just a matter of talented individuals well trained in foreign universities and supplied with the equipment they desire. These are very important, but the cultivation of science is a collective undertaking [written as 'understanding'! and success in it depends on an appropriate social structurc. This social structure is the scientific community and its specialised institutions.
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The research and application are important, but the communal nature of discovery and understanding are crucial.

30 DEC 2013 by ideonexus

 Bend Children to Science Through Play

From the evident disposition of children to imitate all the actions of grown persons, from their little scientific propensities to produce in miniature what they see in magnitude, from the delight which they feel, and the deep interest which they take in all their little works and playful amusements, it is certain that nothing more is required to put them in the channel of correct ideas than to give them such instruction, and to bend their minds to such objects as shall at once employ, amuse,...
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Science provides games and play for children that will bias them toward discovery and exploration.

30 DEC 2013 by ideonexus

 Truth is the Singular Focus of the Scientist

The Man of Science ought not to look at, or respect, any thing but the discovery and propagation of truth. Instead of respecting mischievous and erroneous establishments, he, of all men, is bound, by every honourable tie, to make an exposure of them, and to teach the people right from wrong. His knowledge and discoveries should be like the benefits of Nature dispensed alike to all without price or reward. He ought to be the patron of truth, and the enemy of error, in whatever shape it might a...
Folksonomies: science virtue truth
Folksonomies: science virtue truth
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It should be the highest virtue.

19 APR 2013 by ideonexus

 Bacon, Galileo, Descartes

The transition from the epoch we have been considering to that which follows, has been distinguished by three extraordinary personages, Bacon, Galileo, and Descartes. Bacon has revealed the true method of studying nature, by employing the three instruments with which she has furnished us for the discovery of her secrets, observation, experiment and calculation. He was desirous that the philosopher, placed in the midst of the universe, should, as a first and necessary step in his career, renou...
Folksonomies: history science philosophy
Folksonomies: history science philosophy
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Condorcet considers the last the most important of the era.

09 JAN 2013 by ideonexus


The humanist is filled with wonder and admiration at the creatures that are human, at their capacity for accomplishment, for sacrifice, at the intricacy and precision of that nervous system which has made it; it possible for them to stand where they do today in nature' hierarchy. We are convinced that if we use to an eve greater extent our unique capacities for discovery and for for cooperation, the future of our race will be a brilliant and a happy one.
Folksonomies: humanism
Folksonomies: humanism
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A concise definition of the Humanist worldview.