Complexity in Systems
On the far left are fixed systems that remain unchanging.hand, a screen that is full of random static would be completely The relationships between their elements are always the chaotic, with the color of a dot at one moment having nothing same. The black, unchanging TV screen is a good image for this kind of system.
To the right of fixed systems in the chart are periodic ones. Periodic systems are simple systems that repeat the same patterns endlessly. The simple two-building version of the...
It’s Okay to “Forget” What You Read
What we get from books is not just a collection of names, dates and events stored in our minds like files in a computer. Books also change, via our mental models, the very reality that we perceive.
You can think of mental models as psychological lenses that color and shape what we see. Some of this is genetic or cultural (Americans focus on very different parts of a picture than the Japanese do), but much of our perception is also shaped by experience — and experience includes the book...
Category Practice
Students appear to use a different kind of thinking when they create original patterns following rules they create (Grabowski, Damasio, & Damasio, 1998). Activities that engage students in building categories can start as early as preschool. Building category practice can be done with a bag of mixed buttons. After first modeling the procedure, you can have students work on their own or in pairs to sketch the categories they discover. Th is would also work as a language arts learning cente...This would work great with dice. Sort by color or number of sides.
Card Sorting Games for Young Children
Dimensional Change Card Sorting Task
In the Dimensional Change Card Sorting Task (DCCS), children are initially asked to sort cards by a single dimension (such as color), and are subsequently required to alter their strategy to sort cards based on a second dimension (such as shape).[18] Typically, three-year-old children are able to sort cards based on a single dimension, but are unable to switch to sort the cards based on a second dimension. However, five-year-old children are able to sort ...Games for very young children to test their cognitive flexibility
Making Forced Connections
The basic process for making forced connections, as outlined by Koberg and Bagnall, is simple and sound.
List possible features of the object you are trying to creatcte, one le feature per column. For example, the features might include cololor, size, anc shape.
2. In the column under each feature variable, list as many values for that variable as you can. For example, under color you might list all the colors of the rainbow, as well as black, white, gold, and silver.
3. Finally, random...A technique for coming up with new ideas. This could be done with the mxplx rand() function, using it to find random memes and then forcing onseself to find connections between the ideas.
Science Can Keep You Alive is Magic Fails
Harry thought, considered, chose his weapon. "Draco, you want to explain the whole blood purity thing to me? I'm sort of new."
A wide smile crossed Draco's face. "You really should meet Father and ask him, you know, he's our leader."
"Give me the thirty-second version."
"Okay," Draco said. He drew in a deep breath, and his voice grew slightly lower, and took on a cadence. "Our powers have grown weaker, generation by generation, as the mudblood taint increases. Where Salazar and Godric and Ro...Rational Harry Potter explains to Draco the error in his thinking that muggles are thinning out the magic in the world and making it weaker.
The Archeologist's Search Image
A fossil hunter needs sharp eyes and a keen search image, a mental template that subconsciously evaluates everything he sees in his search for telltale clues. A kind of mental radar works even if he isn't concentrating hard. A fossil mollusk expert has a mollusk search image. A fossil antelope expert has an antelope search image. ... Yet even when one has a good internal radar, the search is incredibly more difficult than it sounds. Not only are fossils often the same color as the rocks among...Varies from hunter to hunter, but must be able to find camouflaged bones that might be fragmented into many pieces.
A Noble and Enlightened Way to Spend our Short Time
After sleeping through a hundred million centuries we have
finally opened our eyes on a sumptuous planet, sparkling with
color, bountiful with life. Within decades we must close our eyes
again. Isn’t it a noble, an enlightened way of spending our brief
time in the sun, to work at understanding the universe and how
we have come to wake up in it? This is how I answer when I am
asked—as I am surprisingly often—why I bother to get up in the
mornings.Understanding the universe and how we have come to wake up in it.
Nurse's Pledge
With full knowledge of the responsibilities I am undertaking, I pledge
to care for my patients with all of the knowledge, skills, and
understanding that I possess, without regard to race, color, creed,
politics, or social status. I will spare no effort to conserve meaningful
life, to alleviate suffering, and to promote health.
I will refrain from any action, which might be harmful to the quality of
life or health of those I care for. I will respect, at all times, the
dignity and religious be...Focuses on treating patients equally, respecting dignity, keeping knowledge current, and refraining from doing harm.
Dr. Gene Weltfish's Scientist's Oath
I pledge that I will use my knowledge for the good of humanity and against the destructive forces of the world and the ruthless intent of men; and that I will work together with my fellow scientists of whatever nation, creed or color, for these, our common ends.Focuses on using knowledge to the good of humanity and disregarding the ethnicity of peers.