Card Sorting Games for Young Children
Dimensional Change Card Sorting Task
In the Dimensional Change Card Sorting Task (DCCS), children are initially asked to sort cards by a single dimension (such as color), and are subsequently required to alter their strategy to sort cards based on a second dimension (such as shape).[18] Typically, three-year-old children are able to sort cards based on a single dimension, but are unable to switch to sort the cards based on a second dimension. However, five-year-old children are able to sort cards based on one dimension and can then switch to sorting cards on a second dimension.
Multiple Classification Card Sorting Task
In the Multiple Classification Card Sorting Task, children are shown cards and asked to sort them based on two different dimensions (e.g. by color, such as yellow and blue, and object type, such as animals and food) simultaneously into four piles within a matrix (e.g. yellow animals, yellow foods, blue animals and blue foods). This task appears to be more difficult as research has shown that seven-year-old children were incapable of sorting cards based on the two dimensions simultaneously. These children focused on the two dimensions separately, whereas at the age of eleven, children were capable of sorting cards based on these two dimensions simultaneously. This demonstrates an increase in cognitive flexibility between the ages of seven and eleven.
Games for very young children to test their cognitive flexibility
/family and parenting/children (0.574551)
/art and entertainment/visual art and design/architecture (0.408803)
/shopping/gifts/greeting cards (0.339351)
Card Sorting Task (0.943699 (negative:-0.277256)), Change Card Sorting (0.793333 (neutral:0.000000)), Dimensional Change Card (0.735628 (neutral:0.000000)), Multiple Classification Card (0.670425 (negative:-0.333453)), Card Sorting Games (0.564565 (neutral:0.000000)), cognitive flexibility (0.515629 (positive:0.842631)), Classification Card Sorting (0.510547 (negative:-0.277256)), single dimension (0.488269 (neutral:0.000000)), children (0.488118 (negative:-0.149248)), Young Children Games (0.467853 (neutral:0.000000)), cards (0.458997 (negative:-0.234064)), e.g. yellow animals (0.433468 (neutral:0.000000)), different dimensions (0.356437 (neutral:0.000000)), three-year-old children (0.351259 (neutral:0.000000)), seven-year-old children (0.337726 (negative:-0.370565)), five-year-old children (0.335830 (neutral:0.000000)), yellow foods (0.332483 (positive:0.272128)), blue foods (0.320242 (positive:0.287318)), blue animals (0.317498 (positive:0.287318)), color (0.261744 (neutral:0.000000)), piles (0.234574 (neutral:0.000000)), shape (0.231176 (neutral:0.000000)), DCCS (0.230878 (neutral:0.000000)), strategy (0.230532 (neutral:0.000000)), type (0.227981 (neutral:0.000000)), ages (0.227411 (positive:0.842631)), research (0.227150 (negative:-0.370565))
seven-year:Quantity (0.010000 (neutral:0.000000)), three-year:Quantity (0.010000 (neutral:0.000000)), five-year:Quantity (0.010000 (neutral:0.000000))
Dimension (0.958322): dbpedia | freebase
Space (0.735862): dbpedia | freebase