02 MAR 2019 by ideonexus
Entropy in our Everyday Lives: Active Stability
Because things naturally move to disorder over time, we can position ourselves to create stability. There are two types of stability: active and passive. Consider a ship, which, if designed well, should be able to sail through a storm without intervention. This is passive stability. A fighter jet, in contrast, requires active stability. The plane can’t fly for more than a few seconds without having to adjust its wings. This adjustment happens so fast that it’s controlled by software. Ther...16 APR 2018 by ideonexus
Video Game Violence is Not Violence
In the 1960s, as Bandura conducted his media effects research, the British folklorists lona and Peter Opie spent years observing and studying children's outdoor play. They watched children play games—many of them made up—with names like Underground Tig and Witches in the Gluepots and concluded, "A true game is one that frees the spirit. It allows no cares but those fictitious ones engendered by the game itself." When children commit to the games, they opt out of the ordinary world and "th...21 NOV 2017 by ideonexus
Attention Capitalism
As someone who works in tech, I like the analogy of a DoS attack. The root of the issue is attention capitalism. Our attention is essentially a resource being exploited for profit. In that scenario, we're effectivley no longer in control of our own free will as long as someone else can profit by controlling it. On an individual scale, we can give it relatively benign labels like "distraction". But when you look at it from macro scale it's effectively a DDoS attack on our free will perpetrated...31 MAY 2015 by ideonexus
Beyond Three Dimensions
“In One Dimensions, did not a moving Point produce a Line with two terminal points?
In two Dimensions, did not a moving Line produce a Square wit four terminal points?
In Three Dimensions, did not a moving Square produce - did not the eyes of mine behold it - that blessed being, a Cube, with eight terminal points?
And in Four Dimensions, shall not a moving Cube - alas, for Analogy, and alas for the Progress of Truth if it be not so - shall not, I say the motion of a divine Cube result in...25 MAY 2015 by ideonexus
Kai Krause: The Uncertainty Principle
Heisenberg’s idea had quickly been dubbed Unschärferelation, which transliterates to “unsharpness relationship,” but as there is really no such term in English ('blurred', 'fuzzy', 'vague' or 'ambiguous' have all been tried), the translation ended up as "the Uncertainty Principle"—when he had not used either term at all (some point to Eddington). And what followed is really quite close to the analogy as well: rather than stating that either position or momentum are "as yet undetermin...30 JAN 2015 by ideonexus
The Problem with the X-Files
The cult of The X-Files has been defended as harmless because it is, after
all, only fiction. On the face of it, that is a fair defence. But regularly recurring fiction - soap operas, cop series find the like - are legitimately
criticized if, week after week, they systematically present a one-sided
view of the world. The X-Files is a television series in which, every week,
two FBI agents face a mystery. One of the two, Scully, favours a rational,
scientific explanation; the other agent, Mulde...Folksonomies: science fiction criticism
Folksonomies: science fiction criticism
28 JUN 2014 by ideonexus
The Similies
OF COURSE we were hardly all the similes the Ariekei spoke. Some were animal or inanimate: there was a house in Embassytown out of which, many years before, the Hosts had taken all the furniture, then put it back, to allow some figure of speech. The split stone, made so they could speak the thought, it’s like the stone that was split and put together again. Most, though, were Terre men and women: there was something in us that facilitated.
Many similes, of course, were uninterested in thei...The Ariekei can only speak in analogy, not lie, and not speculate. Because of this, they need people to serve as similies, references for their language.
21 APR 2014 by ideonexus
Faith-Based Empiricism
Before you judge the analogy with theology as being too harsh, conduct the followingexperiment.
Randomly select one of your own publications from a year or two ago
and think about what would be involved in reproducingthe results. How longwould
it take, assumingyou would be able to do it? If you can’t reproduce those results, why
do you believe them? Why should your readers?
Our inability to reproduce results leads to a debilitatingparadox, where we as
reviewers and readers accept highly em...Folksonomies: empiricism reproducibility
Folksonomies: empiricism reproducibility
So much important information is left out of journal articles that often the results are not reproducible.
03 MAR 2014 by ideonexus
The Great Demotions and the Promotion of the Human Race
Sagan had talked of the “great demotions.” Humanity had learned, painfully, that it did not live on a planet at the center of the universe, and further demotions followed. We were not (in Sagan’s view) the purpose of the Creation, not specially chosen by a divine authority, and were in fact just one evolutionary twist in a complicated biosphere shaped by the mindless process of natural selection. If we were ever to make contact with another intelligent species, those aliens would in all...Folksonomies: environmentalism perspective
Folksonomies: environmentalism perspective
History has shown us how small and insignificant we are, but it has also revealed the profound impact we have on our own little world.
05 JUN 2012 by ideonexus
Definition of Science
Science is simply the classification of the common knowledge of the common people. It is bringing together the things we all know and putting them together so we can use them. This is creation and finds its analogy in Nature, where the elements are combined in certain ways to give us fruits or flowers or grain. Folksonomies: science
Folksonomies: science
As classification of common knowledge of common people.