29 NOV 2016 by ideonexus
Earthseed 66
66. Adulthood
Earthseed is adulthood.It’s trying our wings,Leaving our mother,Becoming men and women.
We’ve been children,Fighting for the full breasts,The protective embrace,The soft lap.Children do this.But Earthseed is adulthood.
Adulthood is both sweet and sad.It terrifies.It empowers.We are men and women now.We are Earthseed.And the Destiny of EarthseedIs to take root among the stars.
∞ = Δ17 MAR 2015 by ideonexus
Children of the Code
None of us like to engage in activities that cause us to feel ashamed of ourselves. So what happens to children who feel ashamed of themselves when learning to read? They are in serious danger. The shame they feel not only motivates them to avoid reading, it also fosters self-dis-esteem and undermines the cognitive capacities they need to learn to read in the first place. Millions of children are caught in this learning-disabling downward spiral. Not only are they in danger of being poor re...Interesting website, the idea that children feel shame for not learning spelling and reading. While, when considering the waste of mindshare that goes into learning spelling.
See also mind-shame.
16 JAN 2015 by ideonexus
Reflection is Destructive
So long as scientists and philosophers remain a caste, even the problem of morality, that is, of behaviour, will remain for them one of cognition and not of activity, a subject for study and not for practical application, something that just happens rather than something that must be done and, furthermore, done not by individuals but collectively. So long as scholars are not prepared to become a Commission for the elaboration of a plan of common action (and without this mankind cannot act a...21 APR 2014 by ideonexus
Childlike Curiosity is a Virtue
As a species, humans manifest a quality called neoteny, the retention of juvenile characteristics into adulthood. Neoteny has physical ramifications—scarce body hair and a flat face are two examples—but it also has neurological ones. Namely, we have an extraordinary capacity to continue learning throughout life.
If neoteny helps to explain our ability to learn, researchers are now figuring out what drives us to take advantage of it. In 2008, a group of scientists set up a novel fMRI stu...An neotenatal evolutionary adaptation that allows us lifelong learning.
22 MAR 2013 by ideonexus
NgR1 Improves Brain Plasticity in Adult Mice
Experience rearranges anatomical connectivity in the brain, but such plasticity is suppressed in adulthood. We examined the turnover of dendritic spines and axonal varicosities in the somatosensory cortex of mice lacking Nogo Receptor 1 (NgR1). Through adolescence, the anatomy and plasticity of ngr1 null mice are indistinguishable from control, but suppression of turnover after age 26 days fails to occur in ngr1−/− mice. Adolescent anatomical plasticity can be restored to 1-year-old mice ...The plasticity lost from our youth is revived in mice by deletion of Nogo-A ligand.
08 JUN 2011 by ideonexus
China and India Aborting Millions of Fetuses
Williamson’s wise advice went unheeded. In the years after her study was published in 1978, ultrasound became increasingly available in Singapore and other countries in South and East Asia. The introduction of this technology enabled a new and brutal form of sex selection: if the sonogram shows it’s a girl, abort. Researchers’ estimates of the number of female fetuses aborted over the past twenty years are mind-boggling: ten million in India, twenty million in China. Because of this pra...Because they are girls and the numbers are mind-boggling.