Participating in Social Media Surrenders One's Attention
The first thing I noticed was that I suddenly lacked an outlet for the compulsion not to write.1 It wasn’t news to me that I used social media for procrastination purposes, but without it, I found myself lacking an easy source for distractions.
It dawned on me that I’d mostly stopped visiting websites directly and instead had been following the recommendations in my feeds to wherever they might lead me. My reading was no longer deliberate but curated by external forces that may or may no...
Parental Resistance to Educational Change
The greatest challenges facing parents stem from their own school experiences. Every adult has been educated in some way, and the methods their teachers used usually shape the values they carry with them and color their perceptions of how education “should be.” These learned values are very powerful and can be seen in the ongoing controversies that manifest in social media regarding the Common Core State Standards and math instruction, for example. The notion that there is a critical-thin...This explains resistance to the Common Core as well.
Science VS Conspiracy Information Dissemination Online
Digital misinformation has become so pervasive in online social media that it has been listed by the WEF as one of the main threats to human society. Whether a news item, either substantiated or not, is accepted as true by a user may be strongly affected by social norms or by how much it coheres with the user’s system of beliefs (32, 33). Many mechanisms cause false information to gain acceptance, which in turn generate false beliefs that, once adopted by an individual, are highly resistant...
5 ways to maximize your cognitive potential Andrea Kuszewski
1. Seek Novelty
There is only one trait out of the "Big Five" from the Five Factor Model of personality (Acronym: OCEAN, or Openness, Conscientiousness, Extroversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism) that correlates with IQ, and it is the trait of Openness to new experience. People who rate high on Openness are constantly seeking new information, new activities to engage in, new things to learn—new experiences in general [2].
2. Challenge Yourself
Efficiency is not your friend when it co...
Old Media is Text-Centric; New Media is a Collage
Modern literacy has always meant being able to both read and write narrative in the media forms of the day, whatever they may be. Just being able to read is not sufficient.
For centuries, this has meant being able to consume and produce words through reading and writing and, to a lesser extent, listening and speaking. But the world of digital expression has changed all of this in three respects:
New media demand new literacies. Because of inexpensive, easy-to-use, widely distributed new med...
The Social Network Political Bubble
In the growing social media space, most users encounter a mix of political views. But consistent conservatives are twice as likely as the typical Facebook user to see political opinions on Facebook that are mostly in line with their own views (47% vs. 23%). Consistent liberals, on average, hear a somewhat wider range of views than consistent conservatives – about a third (32%) mainly see posts in line with their own opinions.
But that doesn’t mean consistent liberals necessarily embrace ...Liberals are more likely to defriend conservatives, but Conservatives are less likely to have liberal friends to defriend in the first place.
Beginnings of the Reputation Economy
The formal reputation networks that exist AF arose
organically from the informal social media developed
through the 21st century. An early barrier to
interacting with strangers online—particularly when
engaging in financial transactions—was not knowing
if the person you were dealing with was reliable.
Primitive reputation scores were the first solution,
enabling buyers to rate sellers. These systems rapidly
spread to social networks, discussion forums, and
filesharing sites, as a way of v...How an alternative economy based on reputation could form in the future.
Information Aggregation as Oppression
More and more ordinary people are thrust into a winner-take-all economy. It is a 21st century reprise of the Horatio Alger stories from the 19th century. A token few will find success on Kickstarter or YouTube, while overall wealth is ever more concentrated and social mobility rots. Social media sharers can make all the noise they want, but they forfeit the real wealth and clout needed to be politically powerful. Real wealth and clout instead concentrate ever more on the shrinking island occ...Provocative idea from Lanier that by contributing to social networking sites and financial aggregates we are enslaving ourselves for other's gain.
Media-User Typology (MUT) Identifies Five Types of Social...
User typesFrequency of useVariety of useTypical activityTypical platformStudiesOther labels
(1) Non-users
No use
No use
Largest of all user types
Non-Internet users, Off the net, Inactives, Non-users, Non-users, Anxiety,
(2) Sporadics
Low use
Low variety
No particular activity, low interest, newcomers
Found in 20 studies
Followers, Sporadics, Laggards, Confused and Adverse, Followers, Indifferents, Indifferent, Media Lite, Average users, Inexperienced experimenters, Risk-averse dou...A table of different Social Media user types and their characteristics.
ToDo: Fixe white space style for this table.
Notes from the "Defending Science Online" session
No direct quote for this meme.Summaries of important points and comments made by the speakers and audience for this session:
Chris Mooney
· How do we correct misinformation?
· “How I Started Worrying and Learned to Doubt the Blog”
· Internet is second only to TVF as source of information about Science and Technology
· Brendan Nyhan – people did not change their minds when presented with corrections that challenge their ideological point of view
· Cultural Cognition of Scientific Facts (Kahan et al): conservative libertarians were more likely to accept an article on reducing pollution when it included headline about nuclear power.
· “What Happened on Delibaration Day” Case _____
· Correcting George Will: “no global warming for more than a decade” bloggers tar and feathered him, Washington Post recognized the outrage and WMO wrote letter correcting him, but Will did not apologize or correct himself.
· Message First, Facts Second
Joshua Rosenau
· Blogs can’t correct Texas Textbooks.
· School Board science standards 1998 review “strengths and weaknesses” but they only wanted to review weaknesses of evolution.
· Texas Freedom Network,, Teach them Science, NCSE
· Reach people with documentaries about Kansas, and convince them to speak at meetings.
· Audience Research: talk about medical advances from evolution, compatibility of faith and evolution
· Start Online, Move Offline.
· Make it hard to be dismissed: state why your opinion matters (member of the community, scientific background)
· If you’re in a coalition and you’re comfortable, you know it’s not a big enough coalition. – Bernice Johnson Reagon
Val Jones
· Science Based Medicine blog.
· 80% of Americans go online for health information, but only 20% consider the source.
· Case Study of Two Patients going to two different online sources for health information.
· True story: colon cancer survivor who found oncologist online, breast cancer who tried alternative medicines and died in six months
· November 1963: Malcom X Black Revolution
· Margaret Sangers: planned parenthood
· Meam Goldman: talked about birth control when it was illegal
· George Will is into Toaster oven science, not real science. (look up article where George Will says he loves science)
· Van: academic centers need to set up social media centers. Shout down crazy people.
· Create peer-to-peer references that people can link to in response to people being wrong in comments sections.
· Van: Health Blogger Code of Ethics
· Astrology News: Astrologers said It’s true, but it doesn’t change any of the results. There’s a reason it doesn’t change any of the results.
· Mooney: quick heuristics to determine whether to engage someone, politely say, “I don’t want to have this conversation.”