How the Internet's Consensus of Information Undermines Authoritative Information

Heretofore, the technological advance that most altered the course of modern history was the invention of the printing press in the 15th century, which allowed the search for empirical knowledge to supplant liturgical doctrine, and the Age of Reason to gradually supersede the Age of Religion. Individual insight and scientific knowledge replaced faith as the principal criterion of human consciousness. Information was stored and systematized in expanding libraries. The Age of Reason originated the thoughts and actions that shaped the contemporary world order.


The internet age in which we already live prefigures some of the questions and issues that AI will only make more acute. The Enlightenment sought to submit traditional verities to a liberated, analytic human reason. The internet’s purpose is to ratify knowledge through the accumulation and manipulation of ever expanding data. Human cognition loses its personal character. Individuals turn into data, and data become regnant.

Users of the internet emphasize retrieving and manipulating information over contextualizing or conceptualizing its meaning. They rarely interrogate history or philosophy; as a rule, they demand information relevant to their immediate practical needs. In the process, search-engine algorithms acquire the capacity to predict the preferences of individual clients, enabling the algorithms to personalize results and make them available to other parties for political or commercial purposes. Truth becomes relative. Information threatens to overwhelm wisdom.

Inundated via social media with the opinions of multitudes, users are diverted from introspection; in truth many technophiles use the internet to avoid the solitude they dread. All of these pressures weaken the fortitude required to develop and sustain convictions that can be implemented only by traveling a lonely road, which is the essence of creativity.


Folksonomies: enlightenment empiricism scientific reason

/religion and spirituality (0.462727)
/health and fitness/disorders/mental disorder/panic and anxiety (0.401338)
/technology and computing/software/databases (0.396222)

Authoritative Information Heretofore (0.969968 (:0.000000)), analytic human reason (0.888028 (:0.000000)), contemporary world order (0.871868 (:0.000000)), immediate practical needs (0.834254 (:0.000000)), 15th century (0.685482 (:0.000000)), principal criterion (0.684748 (:0.000000)), empirical knowledge (0.679496 (:0.000000)), liturgical doctrine (0.676911 (:0.000000)), modern history (0.676069 (:0.000000)), technological advance (0.674623 (:0.000000)), scientific knowledge (0.671700 (:0.000000)), human consciousness (0.667694 (:0.000000)), Individual insight (0.666011 (:0.000000)), internet age (0.653782 (:0.000000)), internet emphasize (0.650358 (:0.000000)), traditional verities (0.650214 (:0.000000)), search-engine algorithms (0.649120 (:0.000000)), personal character (0.644463 (:0.000000)), Human cognition (0.640868 (:0.000000)), lonely road (0.639080 (:0.000000)), social media (0.637881 (:0.000000)), commercial purposes (0.627634 (:0.000000)), individual clients (0.627229 (:0.000000)), data (0.518435 (:0.000000)), Undermines (0.478108 (:0.000000)), truth (0.477808 (:0.000000)), users (0.473684 (:0.000000)), multitudes (0.471019 (:0.000000)), technophiles (0.470740 (:0.000000)), fortitude (0.458310 (:0.000000)), introspection (0.456800 (:0.000000)), accumulation (0.453535 (:0.000000)), Consensus (0.452574 (:0.000000)), solitude (0.452005 (:0.000000)), convictions (0.451871 (:0.000000)), invention (0.451407 (:0.000000)), pressures (0.450271 (:0.000000)), course (0.448157 (:0.000000)), press (0.447999 (:0.000000)), Religion (0.447540 (:0.000000)), faith (0.447134 (:0.000000)), libraries (0.446655 (:0.000000)), preferences (0.445843 (:0.000000)), Enlightenment (0.444376 (:0.000000)), thoughts (0.443893 (:0.000000)), prefigures (0.443060 (:0.000000)), questions (0.443002 (:0.000000)), issues (0.442973 (:0.000000)), Individuals (0.442563 (:0.000000)), essence (0.442545 (:0.000000))

principal:JobTitle (0.557766 (:0.000000)), AI:Organization (0.505025 (:0.000000))

Scientific method (0.953831): dbpedia_resource
Reason (0.950166): dbpedia_resource
Cognition (0.922419): dbpedia_resource
Age of Enlightenment (0.900982): dbpedia_resource
Logic (0.877800): dbpedia_resource
Science (0.831313): dbpedia_resource
Truth (0.806744): dbpedia_resource
Mind (0.771974): dbpedia_resource

 How the Enlightenment Ends
Periodicals>Magazine Article:  Kissinger, Henry (June 2018), How the Enlightenment Ends, Retrieved on 2018-07-27
  • Source Material []
  • Folksonomies: information technology enlightenment