The Siren Server
A Siren Server, as I will refer to such a thing, is an elite computer, or coordinated collection of computers, on a network. It is characterized by narcissism, hyperamplified risk aversion, and extreme information asymmetry. It is the winner of an all-or-nothing contest, and it inflicts smaller all-or-nothing contests on those who interact with it. Siren Servers gather data from the network, often without having to pay for it. The data is analyzed using the most powerful available computers, run by the very best available technical people. The results of the analysis are kept secret, but are used to manipulate the rest of the world to advantage. That plan will always eventually backfire, because the rest of the world cannot indefinitely absorb the increased risk, cost, and waste dispersed by a Siren Server. Homer sternly warned sailors to not succumb to the call of the sirens, and yet was entirely complacent about Hephaestus’s golden female robots. But Sirens might be even more dangerous in inorganic form, because it is then that we are really most looking at ourselves in disguise. It is not the siren who harms the sailor, but the sailor’s inability to think straight. So it is with us and our machines. Siren Servers are fated by their nature to sow illusions. They are cousins to another seductive literary creature, star of the famous thought experiment known as Maxwell’s Demon, after the great 19th century physicist James Clerk Maxwell. The demon is an imaginary creature that, if it could only exist, would be able to implement a perpetual motion machine and perform other supernatural tricks.
Web services that entice people to contribute to them, and whose contributions are then aggregated in various forms for the profit of the server owner.
Folksonomies: information technology www free society
/technology and computing/hardware/computer peripherals/printers, copiers and fax/fax machines (0.574823)
/science/physics/thermodynamics (0.497479)
/shopping/resources/contests and freebies (0.490780)
Siren Server (0.917330 (negative:-0.239901)), Siren Server Web (0.806282 (positive:0.200977)), Siren Servers (0.750105 (negative:-0.722893)), extreme information asymmetry (0.663650 (neutral:0.000000)), seductive literary creature (0.653242 (negative:-0.236108)), smaller all-or-nothing contests (0.646139 (negative:-0.750225)), James Clerk Maxwell (0.644867 (neutral:0.000000)), powerful available computers (0.634190 (positive:0.662531)), 19th century physicist (0.629609 (neutral:0.000000)), golden female robots (0.629537 (positive:0.344268)), perpetual motion machine (0.625857 (negative:-0.249901)), famous thought experiment (0.624165 (neutral:0.000000)), risk aversion (0.549155 (negative:-0.615786)), various forms (0.548676 (neutral:0.000000)), server owner (0.547632 (neutral:0.000000)), imaginary creature (0.540237 (negative:-0.624979)), technical people (0.528672 (positive:0.695445)), inorganic form (0.528305 (negative:-0.458404)), supernatural tricks (0.524589 (negative:-0.249901)), sirens (0.465599 (negative:-0.414030)), rest (0.453820 (negative:-0.134404)), demon (0.446793 (negative:-0.624979)), network (0.446761 (neutral:0.000000)), data (0.444532 (positive:0.662531)), world (0.443401 (negative:-0.134404)), sailor (0.440397 (negative:-0.676024)), Hephaestus (0.437750 (positive:0.344268)), narcissism (0.432777 (negative:-0.633910)), inability (0.431301 (negative:-0.729310)), disguise (0.430690 (positive:0.209367))
Siren Server:Technology (0.963776 (negative:-0.305925)), James Clerk Maxwell:Person (0.278459 (neutral:0.000000)), Web services:FieldTerminology (0.212546 (positive:0.200977)), Homer:Person (0.210006 (negative:-0.369656)), physicist:JobTitle (0.205794 (neutral:0.000000))
Perpetual motion (0.968292): dbpedia | freebase
Maxwell's demon (0.906912): dbpedia | freebase | yago
Thought experiment (0.790369): dbpedia | freebase | yago
James Clerk Maxwell (0.754794): dbpedia | freebase | yago
Second law of thermodynamics (0.750748): dbpedia | freebase
Computer (0.724343): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Brownian ratchet (0.672698): dbpedia | freebase | yago
Siren (0.644805): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc