Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Article:  Bosler, Cayte (Dec 18 2013), Make Time for Awe, The Atlantic, Retrieved on 2013-12-19
  • Source Material [www.theatlantic.com]
  • Folksonomies: wonder awe


    19 DEC 2013

     Understanding Awe

    It can be hard to generalize what people consider jaw-dropping, but Vohs says research demonstrates what consistently creates an awesome experience. Travel ranks high. So does gazing at the cosmos on a clear night or watching a sensational film, as well as anytime we encounter massive quantities: colorful tulips in bloom, a bustling market in India, or a stunning school of fish. Novelty and perceptual vastness forces us into the present moment. The study underscores the importance of cultiva...
      1  notes

    The sense of wonder has health benefits, may open us up to learning new information, but what is it exactly?

    Parent Reference