10 FEB 2018 by ideonexus
Worldplay Relevance to Mature Creativity
First, worldplay nurtures the capacity for continued pretend play, especially thrthrough middle and late childhood, well after the intense exploration of make-believe/e in early childhood typically fades.
Second, worldplay exercises a range of cognitive capacities involved in projecting alternate realities, including imaginative thinking skills such as imaging, empathihizing, recognizing and forming patterns, dimensional thinking, and modeling. As wtwelbll, it may develop and sustain attitu...10 FEB 2018 by ideonexus
Adult Participation in Children's Worldplay
In The Brightening Glance: Imagination and Childhood (2006), the art theorist Ellen Handler Spitz argues that "[t]he topic of adult participation in children's play is delicate, complex, and controversial," largely due to the overwhelming influence a parent or a teacher or even adult-generated entertainment media can have. Adults must work hard not to impose their owti interests, methods, or judgments upon play activity.
The act of modeling and encouraging can, indeed, be fi-aught with miss...10 FEB 2018 by ideonexus
Game Play Informs Real World Play
For Molly, computer play in a simulated world connected strongly with off-line play. It reinforced her desire to create fictional worlds of her own. And it helped sharpen her understanding of that creative endeavor. In evaluating the imaginative and creafive worth of childhood activities, of course, this is the gold standard: that reading or watching television, that trips to the theater, to art and science ce museuns, an and id yyes, that play with computer games should stimulate personal en...This is like how Sagan incorporates game rules in his imaginative play or how playing Skyrim inspired me to go hiking.
10 FEB 2018 by ideonexus
How Utopian Stories Can Encourage Work in Reality
"I do a lot of public speaking, often debating public figures on television or other high profile settings, or giving speeches to large audiences," one Fellow, an immigration rights lobbyist, wrote in her query response. "I am constantly, almost involuntarily, honing my skills by debating adversaries or giving speeches when I'm alone (in the car or walking to the metro). They're not exactly imaginary worlds, but rather imagined versions of real-life settings in which I find myself"
Equally ...10 FEB 2018 by ideonexus
Why Kids Abandon Creative Play
The observation that play gets short shrift as children come of age in the Western world is surely as old and as perennial as that civilization itself. The Bible puts it thus: "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I felt as a child, I thought as a child: now that 1 am become a man, I have put away childish things." Turning their attention to the phenomenon, psychologists have asked what might be the causal factors.
In the early 1900s, for instance, G. Stanley Hall argued that as children...10 FEB 2018 by ideonexus
Imaginative Play Creates Ownership
Ultimately, the child as creator exercises a whole range of capacities that set the Stage for original thinking. We find the imprint of creative practice in the blending of experiences and ideas, the classifications of real and imagined things, the organization of systemic patterns and narrative sequences, the modeling of worlds, the generation of artifacts, and the synthesizing of all that is known and felt into one grand design.
The creating self "owns" the processes and products of make-...06 JAN 2018 by ideonexus
Blends, Bricolage, and Chimeras of Association in Child I...
Blends and bricolage can tell us much about the young imagination and its potential for mature creativity. No one is surprised when a child substitutes a little toy truck television show—though perhaps we should be. No matter how unremarkable, all blends reflect the imagination at work. That said, our notice of make-believe chimeras generally increases, the more unlikely the juxtaposition of their elements. What we notice and notice again in child's play are the blends and complexes that ar...06 JAN 2018 by ideonexus
World-Play as Self-Apprenticeship
...worldplay can be studied as a kind of self-apprenticeship in creative practice, rather than prodigious application in discipline or craft. The childhood inventor of imaginary lands often elaborates his or her world in multiple ways at once. He or she may write stories and compose music, draw maps and build models, design games, and possibly construct a secret language—all within the context of play. It is likely, therefore, that childhood woridplay confers benefits that differ substantia...06 JAN 2018 by ideonexus
Considering Art Creative but Engineering Not as a Questio...
In retrospect, Cohen and MacKeith made a number of questionable assumptions that undermine that conclusion. To be fair, these assumptions were quite common among psychologists at the time and still persist to a significant degree among the public. One of these assumptions is that some activities, such as the arts, are inherently creative, whereas others, such as science or engineering, are not. Another assumption is that creativity is a function of one's ability to fantasize, which is to say,...06 JAN 2018 by ideonexus