23 JUN 2013 by ideonexus

 Why You Lose Weight While You Sleep

Here's a simple question: Why do you weigh more when you go to sleep than when you wake up? Because you do... You can check this yourself. Somehow, while doing absolutely nothing all night but sleep, you will wake up lighter. [...] All night long, every time you breathe out, a bunch of carbon atoms, formerly inside your body, leave your insides and take off into the night air. You breathe in oxygen, O2. You breathe out carbon dioxide, (two oxygen atoms with a carbon atom attached), so there...
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Over the course of the night, through respiration, you lose a pound of weight to the carbon atoms in Carbon Dioxide.

31 JAN 2012 by ideonexus

 Stones Speak Through Geology

For a billion years the patient earth amassed documents and inscribed them with signs and pictures which lay unnoticed and unused. Today, at last, they are waking up, because man has come to rouse them. Stones have begun to speak, because an ear is there to hear them. Layers become history and, released from the enchanted sleep of eternity, life's motley, never-ending dance rises out of the black depths of the past into the light of the present.
Folksonomies: geology
Folksonomies: geology
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The Earth has been writing into the strata, and now humans have arisen to read it.

01 JAN 2012 by ideonexus

 The Arctic Tern's Migration

The difference between night and day is dramatic - so dramatic that most species of animal can thrive either in the day or in the night but not both. They usually sleep during their 'off' period. Humans and most birds sleep by night and work at the business of living during the day. Hedgehogs and jaguars and many other mammals work by night and sleep by day. In the same way, animals have different ways f coping with the change between winter anc summer. Lots of mammals grow a thick, shaggy ...
Folksonomies: migration bird arctic tern
Folksonomies: migration bird arctic tern
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The bird migrates back and forth from North and South poles so that it always enjoys the arctic and antarctic summers.

15 DEC 2011 by ideonexus

 Demoivre's Death

The manner of Demoivre's death has a certain interest for psychologists. Shortly before it, he declared that it was necessary for him to sleep some ten minutes or a quarter of an hour longer each day than the preceding one: the day after he had thus reached a total of something over twenty-three hours he slept up to the limit of twenty-four hours, and then died in his sleep.
Folksonomies: synchronicity
Folksonomies: synchronicity
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He slept a little longer each night until he slept for 24 hours, then died.

14 SEP 2011 by ideonexus

 Avicenna Describes His Learning

At night I would return home, set out a lamp before me, and devote myself to reading and writing. Whenever sleep overcame me or I became conscious of weakening, I would turn aside to drink a cup of wine, so that my strength would return to me. Then I would return to reading. And whenever sleep seized me I would see those very problems in my dream; and many questions became clear to me in my sleep. I continued in this until all of the sciences were deeply rooted within me and I understood them...
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Disciplined, exhaustive, and systematic.

28 JUL 2011 by ideonexus

 How the Adverse Affects of Stress Were Discovered

Lots of research has gone into trying to understand how maternal stress affects brain development. And we have begun to answer this question at the most intimate level possible: the level of cell and molecule. For this progress we mostly can thank the klutzy researcher Hans Selye. He is the founder of the modern concept of stress. As a young scientist, Selye would grind up “endocrine extracts”, which presumably contained active stress hormones, and inject them into rats to see what the ra...
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A clumsy researcher stressed out his lab rats, causing infections and loss of sleep.