10 MAR 2017 by ideonexus
Points in a Learning Game
A twist in this learning contest is how teams can earn even more natural, military, sociocultural, or national will points to spend. Imperialism is a complex topic, and each country is an entire class of learners in competition with other classes. Classes can earn additional points in these four areas by doing research. They can earn natural resource points by generating content that reveals information about the nations that were colonized. For example, a fact sheet on The Gambia might be wo...Folksonomies: gamification learning games
Folksonomies: gamification learning games
24 NOV 2015 by ideonexus
Five Talk Moves
Move 1. Repeating
When a student says something that a teacher or student thinks is important, one way to highlight it is to repeat it. A teacher might ask, "Who can repeat what Mia just said?"
Repeating helps confirm that what the speaker said is what the listener heard, and it lets the speaker know that he or she was heard—and that it matters. It enables teachers to highlight an idea that's central to the discussion. Moreover, hearing the idea again, or multiple times, helps students lear...25 JUL 2011 by ideonexus
The Greatest Greeks Did Not Set Up Schools
Now the wisdom of the Greeks was professorial and much given to disputations, a kind of wisdom most adverse to the inquisition of truth. Thus that name of Sophists, which by those who would be thought philosophers was in contempt cast back upon and so transferred to the ancient rhetoricians, Gorgias, Protagoras, Hippias, Polus, does indeed suit the entire class: Plato, Aristotle, Zeno, Epicurus, Theophrastus, and their successors Chrysippus, Carneades, and the rest. There was this difference ...They were too busy doing science to produce useful knowledge than to waste time profiting on their ideas.
25 JUL 2011 by ideonexus
The Greatest Greek Minds Did Not Prosthletize
Now the wisdom of the Greeks was professorial and much given to disputations, a kind of wisdom most adverse to the inquisition of truth. Thus that name of Sophists, which by those who would be thought philosophers was in contempt cast back upon and so transferred to the ancient rhetoricians, Gorgias, Protagoras, Hippias, Polus, does indeed suit the entire class: Plato, Aristotle, Zeno, Epicurus, Theophrastus, and their successors Chrysippus, Carneades, and the rest. There was this difference ...They observed quietly and documented their observations and their truth survives the ages more concretely than the rhetoric of Plato or Aristotle.
28 MAR 2011 by ideonexus
Obama is a Nerd, and That's Bad
[Obama White House is] the kid in school who waves his A test score in front of the entire class but never gets picked to play baseball. He’s an arrogant nerd, and no matter how smart he is, he can’t hit, he can’t throw and he can’t run.Folksonomies: anti-intellectualism
Folksonomies: anti-intellectualism
Mike Huckabee says the problem with Obama is that he's a nerd and isn't into sports.