17 MAR 2015 by ideonexus

 Children of the Code

None of us like to engage in activities that cause us to feel ashamed of ourselves. So what happens to children who feel ashamed of themselves when learning to read? They are in serious danger. The shame they feel not only motivates them to avoid reading, it also fosters self-dis-esteem and undermines the cognitive capacities they need to learn to read in the first place. Millions of children are caught in this learning-disabling downward spiral. Not only are they in danger of being poor re...
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Interesting website, the idea that children feel shame for not learning spelling and reading. While, when considering the waste of mindshare that goes into learning spelling.

See also mind-shame.

18 MAY 2012 by ideonexus

 Teaching is a Waste of Time

I have a true aversion to teaching. The perennial business of a professor of mathematics is only to teach the ABC of his science; most of the few pupils who go a step further, and usually to keep the metaphor, remain in the process of gathering information, become only Halbwisser [one who has superficial knowledge of the subject], for the rarer talents do not want to have themselves educated by lecture courses, but train themselves. And with this thankless work the professor loses his preciou...
Folksonomies: education
Folksonomies: education
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Quoting Carl Friedrich Gauss: Students who learn by lecturing go on to merely collect more facts, one who expands the boundaries of a field teaches themselves.

31 JAN 2012 by ideonexus

 The Earth Self-Heals Better Than Humans Try to Heal It

Ecologically speaking, a spilt tanker load is like sticking a safety pin into an elephant’s foot. The planet barely notices. After the Exxon Valdez accident in Alaska the oil company spent billions tidying up the coastline, but it was a waste of money because the waves were cleaning up faster than Exxon could. Environmentalists can never accept the planet’s ability to self-heal.
Folksonomies: environmentalism
Folksonomies: environmentalism
  1  notes

The Exxon Valdes was equivalent of "sticking a safety pin into an elephant’s foot" for the Earth.