14 OCT 2023 by ideonexus
Academia Progresses "One Funeral at a Time"
Pick up any business magazine or how-to management book, and you’ll run into words like “nimble†and “move fast†on virtually every page. The ability to change direction and shift priorities in reaction to consumer preferences or competitor actions often makes a decisive difference in marketplace success. One can’t think of an enterprise less “nimble†than the modern American university.
Or a practice better designed to limit flexibility than...16 NOV 2017 by ideonexus
Understanding the Education Customer
VCs and entrepreneurs tend to be well educated. Well educated people think about education as an investment. You put as many of your resources in to an investment as you can. It may take 20 years to pay off, but if the return-on-investment is high (which it is for education) then you invest. This group of people — if you’re reading this, you fall into this group — generally understand that education is an investment, and as a result are price insensitive and will optimize for quality ...15 APR 2015 by ideonexus
If a Harvard Degree is So Valuable, Why Not Franchise It?
But what if higher education is really just the final stage of a competitive tournament? From grades and test results through the U.S. News & World Report rankings of the colleges themselves, higher education sorts us all into a hierarchy. Kids at the top enjoy prestige because they’ve defeated everybody else in a competition to reach the schools that proudly exclude the most people. All the hard work at Harvard is done by the admissions officers who anoint an already-proven hypercompet...08 MAR 2015 by ideonexus
College Tuition Becoming Unnaffordable
[Report from the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education] found, published college tuition and fees increased 439 percent from 1982 to 2007 while median family income rose 147 percent. Student borrowing has more than doubled in the last decade, and students from lower-income families, on average, get smaller grants from the colleges they attend than students from more affluent families.
“The middle class has been financing it through debt,” he said. “The scenario ...08 MAR 2015 by ideonexus
People Don't Need Advanced Degrees
Forty-five percent of people who go to college, four year colleges, don't get a bachelors degree within six years. Those people often have met with disappointment and their investment isn't particularly good, necessarily. Another group of people graduate from college and then have trouble getting jobs and end up taking jobs for which a college education is not really a prerequisite. Twelve percent of the male carriers in the United States today have college degrees. And I have nothing against...08 MAR 2015 by ideonexus
College-Graduates have a Lower Unemployment Rate
We looked at the website of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which calculates the national unemployment rate as well as unemployment rates for various subgroups. Those subgroups include Americans of four specific educational attainment levels. They are: less than a high school diploma; a high school diploma but no college; some college experience but no college diploma; and a college diploma.
For those with less than a high school diploma, the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was 13.8 pe...Folksonomies: academia employment
Folksonomies: academia employment