Cultural Moors and Sex
Different cultures today have evolved different sets of sexual mores, resulting in differences in male and female behavior. In Sweden, a social democracy where women have great economic independence, we see a high degree of sexual freedom among women. Without needing to depend on men for their security, Swedish women need not be concerned so much with testing potential mates for commitment and generosity. The result is greater promiscuity among women: a study showed Swedish men prize a potential mate's virginity very little compared with other cultures. Swedish men, in turn, are among the least violent of any culture: with women more available, men need not engage in the violent, risky he-man behavior that comes from a genetic drive to rise in the hierarchy and therefore have greater access to women. Harsh punishment for violent crime isn't necessary.
In sexually strict Saudi Arabia, we see the opposite. Women are highly dependent on men for economic security. Access to sex is greatly restricted for Saudi women. Men prize virginity in their potential mates. Violence is high-an artifact of prehistoric times when engaging in such behavior increased a man's chances of mating-and punishment for violent crime is severe in reaction to that.
Access to sex is the driving force behind many aspects of culture.
Countries with equality between the sexes have more sex and less violence.
Folksonomies: evolution sex gender
/society/sex (0.427619)
/society/crime (0.397382)
/society/crime/personal offense/assault (0.207153)
violent crime (0.989337 (negative:-0.818555)), potential mates (0.945044 (positive:0.565075)), great economic independence (0.913278 (neutral:0.000000)), sexually strict Saudi (0.912276 (negative:-0.545823)), Swedish men (0.853242 (negative:-0.304373)), women (0.838078 (negative:-0.012744)), Cultural Moors (0.694542 (negative:-0.522902)), sexual mores (0.688806 (positive:0.339704)), Harsh punishment (0.659604 (negative:-0.763422)), Sex Countries (0.657936 (negative:-0.522902)), Different cultures (0.657437 (positive:0.339704)), different sets (0.653761 (positive:0.339704)), greater promiscuity (0.650916 (negative:-0.230510)), female behavior (0.649437 (neutral:0.000000)), social democracy (0.646262 (neutral:0.000000)), high degree (0.642488 (positive:0.285249)), mating-and punishment (0.639158 (negative:-0.873689)), he-man behavior (0.631150 (negative:-0.495708)), sexual freedom (0.628779 (positive:0.285249)), high-an artifact (0.628335 (negative:-0.873689)), potential mate (0.627004 (negative:-0.304373)), Saudi women (0.625177 (neutral:0.000000)), genetic drive (0.621010 (negative:-0.495708)), Swedish women (0.620047 (positive:0.565075)), prehistoric times (0.615900 (negative:-0.873689)), greater access (0.592553 (negative:-0.495708)), economic security (0.586733 (positive:0.200770)), virginity (0.480267 (negative:-0.304373)), violence (0.445404 (negative:-0.698295)), sexes (0.391483 (negative:-0.522902))
Saudi Arabia:Country (0.917335 (negative:-0.545823)), social democracy:FieldTerminology (0.751742 (neutral:0.000000)), Sweden:Country (0.724651 (neutral:0.000000))
Male (0.988884): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Female (0.944163): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Culture (0.917521): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Human sexual behavior (0.889353): dbpedia | opencyc
Gender (0.888024): dbpedia | freebase
Sex (0.844438): dbpedia | freebase
Archaeology (0.670797): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Sociology (0.646048): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc