What are Observations?
What are observations? Some philosophers have taken them to be sensory events: the occurrence of smells, feels, noises, color patches. This way lies frustration. What we ordinarily notice and testify to are rather the objects and events out in the world. It is to these that our very language is geared, because language is a social institution, learned from other people who share the scene to which the words refer. Observation sentences, like theoretical sentences, are for the most part sentences about external objects. This is why they can enter into logical relations with scientific theory, confirming or refuting it.
Folksonomies: belief
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Scientific method (0.959198): dbpedia_resource
Philosophy of science (0.697584): dbpedia_resource
Theory (0.583447): dbpedia_resource
Sociology (0.549092): dbpedia_resource
Hypothesis (0.548135): dbpedia_resource
Science (0.454072): dbpedia_resource
Theorem (0.439839): dbpedia_resource
Logic (0.417277): dbpedia_resource