Internet-Literate Student Skills
- An understanding of what the Internet is. "I found it on the Internet" is not an accurate statement. You found it on a computer connected to the World Wide Web.
- Ways to formulate queries. Typing "childhood obesity" into a search engine is not the best way to discover what health problems are associated with being overweight. Students need to know about Boolean searches, adding prefixes such as SITE and FILETYPE, and more. For example, " childhood obesity" will yield search results from educational sites only and eliminate the massive amount of results from .com sites and others.
- An awareness of various types of search engines. Google is not the only option. Specialized search engines can be much more fruitful. Kidrex is excellent for young students; Google Scholar only retrieves information from research articles, professional journals, university websites, and other scholarly resources.
- An awareness of how search engine results are ranked. Teach students that being at the top of the list does not mean a result is the best source and that results are rigged to be most pleasing to your tastes.
- An understanding of domain types. Teach the meanings of .com, .gov, .guru, .hr, and .org.
- Tools to evaluate the people behind the website. Teach students how to find the credentials of content creators and evaluate their expertise.
- An ability to analyze a website's purpose. Teach students ways to discover whether the site is designed to inform, amuse, persuade, or sell.
- An awareness of bias. How is different from Teach students to look for slanted information.
Folksonomies: education internet tech-literacy
/technology and computing/internet technology/web search (0.771370)
/shopping/resources/warranties and service contracts (0.447198)
/technology and computing/hardware/computer (0.446234)
childhood obesity (0.905186 (negative:-0.324235)), Internet-Literate Student Skills (0.880384 (positive:0.849682)), World Wide Web (0.868223 (neutral:0.000000)), search engine (0.804496 (negative:-0.286971)), search engines (0.799898 (positive:0.639947)), Specialized search engines (0.795785 (positive:0.639947)), search engine results (0.779646 (neutral:0.000000)), accurate statement (0.621794 (neutral:0.000000)), Boolean searches (0.598074 (neutral:0.000000)), students (0.596067 (positive:0.597207)), health problems (0.589588 (negative:-0.286971)), slanted information (0.582144 (positive:0.395281)), best way (0.581959 (negative:-0.286971)), search results (0.578134 (negative:-0.653921)), young students (0.576638 (positive:0.623309)), educational sites (0.574634 (negative:-0.653921)), Google Scholar (0.573171 (neutral:0.000000)), research articles (0.571822 (neutral:0.000000)), professional journals (0.571518 (positive:0.227719)), various types (0.571454 (neutral:0.000000)), university websites (0.571214 (neutral:0.000000)), scholarly resources (0.567224 (neutral:0.000000)), domain types (0.562903 (positive:0.687088)), best source (0.557672 (positive:0.821459)), content creators (0.554699 (positive:0.829052)), awareness (0.444931 (negative:-0.712655)), .com (0.428174 (negative:-0.653921)), understanding (0.400321 (positive:0.768385)), ways (0.396939 (positive:0.314381)), FILETYPE (0.382356 (neutral:0.000000))
search engines:FieldTerminology (0.935745 (positive:0.176488)), Google:Company (0.648405 (negative:-0.463382)), search engine:FieldTerminology (0.520663 (neutral:0.000000)), World Wide Web:FieldTerminology (0.414792 (neutral:0.000000)), Kidrex:Person (0.369051 (positive:0.623309))
World Wide Web (0.945801): dbpedia | freebase | yago
Internet (0.657534): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Search engine optimization (0.610365): dbpedia | freebase
Web search engine (0.523329): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc | yago
Yahoo! (0.477155): website | dbpedia | freebase | yago | crunchbase
Website (0.457206): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Google search (0.420000): dbpedia | opencyc | yago
Bing (0.402785): dbpedia