The USA Should Adopt the Metric System
You, in this country [the USA], are subjected to the British insularity in weights and measures; you use the foot, inch and yard. I am obliged to use that system, but must apologize to you for doing so, because it is so inconvenient, and I hope Americans will do everything in their power to introduce the French metrical system. ... I look upon our English system as a wickedly, brain-destroying system of bondage under which we suffer. The reason why we continue to use it, is the imaginary difficulty of making a change, and nothing else; but I do not think in America that any such difficulty should stand in the way of adopting so splendidly useful a reform.
Kelvin predicts Britain is stuck with it, but America will adopt.
Folksonomies: measurement metric cultural stasis
/art and entertainment/books and literature/poetry (0.384101)
/art and entertainment/humor (0.250252)
/science/social science/linguistics/translation (0.230492)
Metric System Kelvin (0.916204 (negative:-0.204399)), USA Should Adopt (0.859857 (negative:-0.204399)), imaginary difficulty (0.841822 (negative:-0.593040)), British insularity (0.803097 (negative:-0.363866)), America (0.567157 (positive:0.290347)), bondage (0.517479 (negative:-0.500185)), weights (0.513102 (negative:-0.363866)), inch (0.505534 (neutral:0.000000)), yard (0.501264 (neutral:0.000000)), measures (0.501145 (negative:-0.363866)), Americans (0.497812 (neutral:0.000000)), reason (0.497102 (negative:-0.501405)), Britain (0.489368 (negative:-0.204399)), reform (0.488438 (positive:0.366982)), country (0.482597 (neutral:0.000000)), power (0.482007 (neutral:0.000000)), foot (0.481413 (neutral:0.000000)), English (0.478410 (positive:0.497904))
America:Continent (0.841336 (negative:-0.105224)), USA:Country (0.603059 (negative:-0.204399)), Britain:Country (0.388242 (negative:-0.204399))
Imperial units (0.956568): dbpedia | freebase
Inch (0.927949): dbpedia | freebase
Metric system (0.921601): dbpedia | freebase
United States (0.737185): website | dbpedia | ciaFactbook | freebase | opencyc | yago
International System of Units (0.658263): website | dbpedia | freebase | yago
English language (0.645432): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc | yago
Units of measurement (0.533767): website | dbpedia | freebase | yago
Length (0.521963): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc