Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book: Galilei , Galileo and Drake , Stillman (1957), Discoveries and opinions of Galileo, Anchor, Retrieved on 2012-05-18Source Material []
Folksonomies: science Memes
18 MAY 2012
God Gave Us Senses and Reason in Order to Use Them
But I do not feel obliged to believe that that same God who has endowed us with senses, reason, and intellect has intended to forgo their use and by some other means to give us knowledge which we can attain by them.Argument from Gallileo.
18 MAY 2012
The Bible is Fallible, Nature is Not
For the holy Bible and the phenomena of nature proceed alike from the divine Word, the former as the dictate of the Holy Ghost and the latter as the observant executrix of God's commands. It is necessary for the Bible, in order to be accommodated to the understanding of every man, to speak many things which appear to differ from the absolute truth so far as the bare meaning of the words is concerned. But Nature, on the other hand, is inexorable and immutable; she never transgresses the laws i...Gallileo argues that we must accept what we see in Nature, even if it conflicts with the bible.
18 MAY 2012
Galileo's Renunciation
I, Galileo Galilei, son of the late Vincenzo Galilei, of Florence, aged seventy years, being brought personally to judgment, and kneeling before your Most Eminent and Most Reverend Lords Cardinals, General Inquisitors of the universal Christian republic against heretical depravity, having before my eyes the Holy Gospels, which I touch with my own hands, swear that I have always believed, and now believe, and with the help of God will in future believe, every article which the Holy Catholic an...Text of what the church forced him to sign or die.
18 MAY 2012
Galileo on Empiricism
If experiments are performed thousands of times at all seasons and in every place without once producing the effects mentioned by your philosophers, poets, and historians, this will mean nothing and we must believe their words rather our own eyes? But what if I find for you a state of the air that has all the conditions you say are required, and still the egg is not cooked nor the lead ball destroyed? Alas! I should be wasting my efforts... for all too prudently you have secured your position...Folksonomies: philosophy empiricism
Folksonomies: philosophy empiricism
Lamenting the fact that if something philosophy asserts cannot be observed in nature, then why not abandon it?
18 MAY 2012
The Bible Tells Us to Look at Nature
The prohibition of science would be contrary to the Bible, which in hundreds of places teaches us how the greatness and the glory of God shine forth marvelously in all His works, and is to be read above all in the open book of the heavens. And let no one believe that the reading of the most exalted thoughts which are inscribed upon these pages is to be accomplished through merely staring up at the radiance of the stars. There are such profound secrets and such lofty conceptions that the night...For god's majesty is in all his works.
18 MAY 2012
Learning to Read Nature
Philosophy is written in this grand book, the universe, which stands continually open to our gaze. But the book cannot be understood unless one first learns to comprehend the language and read the letters in which it is composed. It is written in the language of mathematics, and its characters are triangles, circles, and other geometric figures without which it is humanly impossible to understand a single word of it; without these, one wanders about in a dark labyrinth.Folksonomies: education mathematics
Folksonomies: education mathematics
Written in mathematics, one must learn that language to understand science.