21 SEP 2022 by ideonexus

 Why Race Is Still A Problem In Dungeons & Dragons

Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Article:  Codega, Linda (2022-09-20), Why Race Is Still A Problem In Dungeons & Dragons, io9, Retrieved on 2022-09-20
  • Source Material [gizmodo.com]
  • Folksonomies: culture fantasy bias race racism
    Folksonomies: culture fantasy bias race racism
    09 FEB 2018 by ideonexus

     Quotation: Kahneman on Contingencies

    Periodicals>Journal Article:  Kahneman, Daniel (2003), Quotation: Kahneman on Contingencies, Les Prix Nobel. The Nobel Prizes 2002, Retrieved on 2018-02-09
  • Source Material [www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov]
  • Folksonomies: statistics bias
    Folksonomies: statistics bias
    06 JAN 2018 by ideonexus

     What Do You Call a World That Can’t Learn From Itself?

    Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Article:  haque, umair (Dec 18, 2017), What Do You Call a World That Can’t Learn From Itself?, Eudaimonia, Retrieved on 2018-01-06
  • Source Material [eand.co]
  • Folksonomies: culture bias cultural bias
    Folksonomies: culture bias cultural bias
    12 NOV 2015 by ideonexus

     How Poker Player Annie Duke Used Gender Stereotypes To Wi...

    Audiovisual Media>Audio Recording:  Duke, Annie (SEPTEMBER 28, 2015), How Poker Player Annie Duke Used Gender Stereotypes To Win Matches, NPR, Retrieved on 2015-11-12
  • Source Material [www.npr.org]
  • Folksonomies: bias stereotypes
    Folksonomies: bias stereotypes
    08 MAY 2015 by ideonexus

     Political Polarization & Media Habits

    Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Article:  MATSA, KILEY, GOTTFRIED, MITCHELL (OCTOBER 21, 2014), Political Polarization & Media Habits, PewResearch Center, Retrieved on 2015-05-08
  • Source Material [www.journalism.org]
  •  1  
    26 FEB 2015 by ideonexus

     confirmation bias

    Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Article:  Various, (2015), confirmation bias, Skeptic's Dictionary, Retrieved on 2015-02-26
  • Source Material [skepdic.com]
  • Folksonomies: bias
    Folksonomies: bias
    09 AUG 2014 by ideonexus

     Comment on Star Trek Economics

    Electronic/World Wide Web>Message Posted to Online Forum/Discussion Group:  jonathanson, (2014), Comment on Star Trek Economics, Retrieved on 2014-08-09
  • Source Material [news.ycombinator.com]
  •  1  
    03 FEB 2014 by ideonexus

     How Religion Destroys Programmers

    Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Article:  Sonmez, John (2013), How Religion Destroys Programmers, Retrieved on 2014-02-03
  • Source Material [simpleprogrammer.com]
  •  1  
    15 NOV 2013 by ideonexus

     The Web of Belief

    Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book:  Quine, W. V. and Ullian, J. S. (1978-02-01), The Web of Belief, McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages, Retrieved on 2013-11-15
  • Source Material [books.google.com]
  • Folksonomies: bias belief cognitive bias
    Folksonomies: bias belief cognitive bias