Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Article: MATSA, KILEY, GOTTFRIED, MITCHELL (OCTOBER 21, 2014), Political Polarization & Media Habits, PewResearch Center, Retrieved on 2015-05-08Source Material [www.journalism.org]
Folksonomies: politics bias confirmation bias Memes
08 MAY 2015
The Social Network Political Bubble
In the growing social media space, most users encounter a mix of political views. But consistent conservatives are twice as likely as the typical Facebook user to see political opinions on Facebook that are mostly in line with their own views (47% vs. 23%). Consistent liberals, on average, hear a somewhat wider range of views than consistent conservatives – about a third (32%) mainly see posts in line with their own opinions. But that doesn’t mean consistent liberals necessarily embrace ...Folksonomies: politics confirmation bias
Folksonomies: politics confirmation bias
Liberals are more likely to defriend conservatives, but Conservatives are less likely to have liberal friends to defriend in the first place.