Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book:  Buckley , Arabella B. (2009-12-31), The Fairy-Land of Science, Book Jungle, Retrieved on 2011-05-20
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  • Folksonomies: nature wonder natural law


    20 MAY 2011

     Science Tales Rival Fairy Tales is full of beautiful pictures, of real poetry, and of wonder-working fairies; and what is more, I promise you they shall be true fairies, whom you will love just as much when you are old and greyheaded as when you are young; for you will be able to call them up wherever you wander by land or by sea, through meadow or through wood, through water or through air; and though they themselves will always remain invisible, yet you will see their wonderful poet at work everywhere around yo...
      1  notes

    The natural world is so much more amazing than the fictional one.

    20 MAY 2011

     There are Fairies of Science in Everything

    There are forces around us, and among us, which I shall ask you to allow me to call fairies, and these are ten thousand times more wonderful, more magical, and more beautiful in their work, than those of the old fairy tales. They, too, are invisible, and many people live and die without ever seeing them or caring to see them. These people go about with their eyes shut, either because they will not open them, or because no one has taught them how to see. They fret and worry over their own litt...
      1  notes

    and with patient observation, we can see them.

    20 MAY 2011

     Burning Coals Warms Us With the Warmth of the Sun

    From the cold garden, you run into the house, and find the fire laid indeed in the grate, but the wood dead and the coals black, waiting to be lighted. You strike a match, and soon there is a blazing fire. Where does the heat come from? Why do the coals burn and give out a glowing light? Have you not read of gnomes buried down deep in the earth, in mines, and held fast there till some fairy wand has released them, and allowed them to come to earth again? Well, thousands and millions of years ...
    Folksonomies: nature wonder energy
    Folksonomies: nature wonder energy
     1  1  notes

    Releasing the sunbeams stored in them long ago.

    20 MAY 2011

     How to Enter the Fairy Land of Science

    How are you to enter the fairy-land of science? There is but one way. Like the knight or peasant in the fairy tales, you must open you eyes. There is no lack of objects, everything around you will tell some history if touched with the fairy wand of imagination. I have often thought, when seeing some sickly child drawn along the street, lying on its back while other children romp and play, how much happiness might be given to sick children at home or in hospitals, if only they were told the s...
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    Listen to nature.

    20 MAY 2011

     Enjoying Science Requires Effort

    When you have reached and entered the gates of science, how are you to use and enjoy this new and beautiful land? This is a very important question for you may make a twofold use of it. If you are only ambitious to shine in the world, you may use it chiefly to get prizes, to be at the top of your class, or to pass in examinations; but if you also enjoy discovering its secrets, and desire to learn more and more of nature and to revel in dreams of its beauty, then you will study science for it...
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    Many don't love nature and don't fall in love with science as a result.

    20 MAY 2011

     What is the Point of Learning Science?

    But people often ask, what is the use of learning all this? If you do not feel by this time how delightful it is to fill your mind with beautiful pictures of nature, perhaps it would be useless to say more. But in this age of ours, when restlessness and love of excitement pervade so many lives, is it nothing to be taken out of ourselves and made to look at the wonders of nature going on around us? Do you never feel tired and "out of sorts," and want to creep away from your companions, because...
    Folksonomies: science education wonder
    Folksonomies: science education wonder
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    To recognize and feel the way everything in the universe is connected.

    20 MAY 2011

     Color is the Light Beams Things Do Not Want

    But the reflected light-waves do more for us than this. They not only make us see things, but they make us see them in different colours. What, you will ask, is this too the work of the sunbeams? Certainly; for if the colour we see depends on the size of the waves which come back to us, then we must see things coloured differently according to the waves they send back. For instance, imagine a sunbeam playing on a leaf: part of its waves bound straight back from it to our eye and make us see t...
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    All other wavelengths are being absorbed.

    20 MAY 2011

     The Heat of Our Bodies is Sunbeams

    Breathe upon your hand, and feel how hot your breath is; well, that heat which you feel, was once in a sunbeam, and has travelled from it through the food you have eaten, and has now been at work keeping up the heat of your body.
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    Taken in through the food we eat and working to keep us warm.

    Parent Reference